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  Louis' fingers were trembling as he leaned up against the wall, hands fisted in his hair and panicked breaths punching out of his chest, entire body rocking back and forth. This wasn't right, this wasn't good, it shouldn't be Harry in there, not his baby.

  He choked out a strangled sob and pushed away, turning in a quick circle before letting out a sharp shout and throwing his hands out. Zayn suddenly appeared at his side and shushed him softly, cradling the back of his head as he pulled him into his chest and swayed from side to side. "He's going to be okay. Harry will come back from this, Louis. You can't give up hope now, not ever." He whispered against his cheek, warm breath washing over his skin and making him shiver.

  Louis swallowed thickly and fisted a hand in the lad's jumper, cries softening until he was just shaking in Zayn's hold, eyes wide and glassy. "I can't lose him, Z. Not like this, not without saying goodbye. I need him with me. He's my baby, my little thing." Louis croaked, huffing out a panting breath. "My kitten."


  "He's alive."

Louis' head shot up and his gaze fell on a bloodied Liam, pushing off of the wall he was leaning on to rush past him and into the room.

  And there was little Harry, nubbins in and hooked up to a whole bunch of different machines, heartbeat loud in the silent of the room. He was bandaged and pale, but alive, alive and breathing and okay. The boy looked over when Louis walked in and offered a weak smile, letting out a pained sigh as he reached out for the lad. "Hi, Lou."

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