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Harry and his friends were at a bar when he got a call from Davis, his housekeeper. He excused himself and went outside to take the call. He listened patiently as the person on the other end of the line spoke. Harry's expression changed from calm to tense and then blank all of a sudden. He was looking through the distant crowd on the street, motionless. Expressionless. He swallowed hard on the lump of saliva and then finally spoke in a hushed tone," I'll be there."

Without informing any of his friends, he called on to the first cab that arrived on the street and sat in hurriedly. "87 on the 6th street" he said to the driver and the taxi made its way through. They arrived on the street within the granted time, grateful to the less traffic. Harry requested the driver to wait and so he nodded in hesitation. Harry ran upstairs, unlocked the door and rushed to find his passport. He grabbed his emergency bag pack, locked the door again and rushed downstairs, when to his relief, he found the driver still waiting, his taxi meter had been running. He announced his destination while he was jogging through the porch. "Rush to the airport."

He paid the rent as he got off the cab at the airport. He bought himself a ticket to Seattle and arranged his bag pack on the bench and sat adjacent to it, glancing at the digital clock board. "Thirty minutes more" he thought.

Harry had lived his entire childhood in Seattle. His mother had died in a car crash. Since then, his father was his only world and Davis, his only friend.

"All passengers travelling on American Airlines 6490 to Seattle, please proceed." Harry stood up, hung his bag pack over the shoulder and proceeded. His watch beeped. 5:40 pm it read. "The Havolock meeting. Screw it!" Harry mumbled and walked through the aisle. Two more hours, he thought.

Coming to Chicago was never really his decision. But his father wanted him to travel and explore new places. He wasn't the one who was up for parties and hangouts, he didn't have any friends. But his dad wanted him to move on after what had happened. Harry had been away from his only world for four years now. But it was today ,that Davis had called up to tell him, that he might lose his only world. Harry's father, Dodger Mcknzie, was in a serious state. His condition was very critical. Davis had asked him to shift to New York with his sister, but he won't agree. Now, with his end nearing, he'd asked Davis to call Harry back.

Harry collected his bag pack at the checking counter and boarded the flight. He'd asked for a window in business to avoid people. He wasn't in a state to create unnecessary conversations. He looked out of the window. It was still the Chicago sun. Harry sighed and let his eyes close for a moment.

Harry had studied in Mystic Falls High school. He was a bright student and shared interest in football. But he never really participated in the game. His daily routine included going to school, attending extra art classes and returning back. he was happy in this monotonous life of his. His father used to take him to family parties. But he preferred sitting in a corner there too, watching them. But it was once that he made friends with someone. Someone who'd understood his silence. Someone who evoked the presence of all those adolescent gland shit that they'd read in bio. All those, he'd never really talked to someone so freely. And before he knew whatever it was, he fell in love with that soul. Too shy to confess, as he was, he gathered up all his courage and finally decided to say it loud to her. But he wasn't fortunate enough to experience the shadows of her love. She called up earlier that evening to inform him that she was leaving. And harry was once again left heartbroken. She'd never met him again. But he couldn't just erase the scent of her tinge, her toothed smile neither the beams of her eyes. They were so quiet yet so dark. A storm, that's exactly what they'd uphold. But he was devastated that he'd never be able to know them anymore.

"Sir, excuse me sir," said an unfamiliar voice. Harry forced his eyes open. "We've reached our destination. Please fasten your seat belt." Harry rubbed hi eyes and sat up to fasten the best. The plane landed at 9;40. Harry adjusted his watch. He went out of the airport and hired a cab to his father's villa. The cab stopped at the Gate. He stepped out, paid the fare and stood there. He sighed and went in. He was welcomed by people with unknown faces, unknown crying faces wearing black and his heart stopped functioning. He could feel his blood freeze exactly how it had when she's called to tell him that she was leaving. He dropped his bag in lobby and rushed to his father's bedroom. He flung open the door but it was too late. His father lay still on the bed, eyes shut. Harry lost all hope for himself. He couldn't hear anything, neither could he force words out of his mouth. He'd lost his only world, his savior. He walked towards the bed, sat by the side and lay his head on his father's torso. he cried softly. He felt a hand on his head. He turned back and saw the one person he needed, Davis. He hugged him and they both wept. Davis consoled him and asked to get ready for the funeral.

Harry sat on the cemented stone while the others offered their last condolences. He was still sobbing. He got up somehow and turned to leave. Just when he was about to cross the path to the parking, he saw a girl standing right in front of the path. At first he did not bother but as he approached the way, her face grew clearer. And in not more than a second, Harry stood froze. His face was washed of any sort of emotions except the reflection of the storm in his eyes. "Zara" Harry breathed out. She walked up to him with a smile. She came close and touched his face. "I forgot to tell you something that day." Harry looked at her in awe. " I love you." She whispered gently to his blank face. Harry took her face between his palms and planted a kiss on her forehead. He held her close as if never letting go.

There, at a distance, Davis watched them. He smiled with himself and wiped his tears. He walked up to his master's grave and sat beside it. "You may now rest in peace sir. Harry has found a new world." he mumbled, eyeing to the both of them. He let out a sigh and got up to leave. "Davis!" shouted Harry from behind. He turned back to face them. "I'm home!" Harry exclaimed smiling. Davis nodded and waved them to come along.

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