Chapter 1:Not The Future But The Past

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MsAnime:Hello it's me MsAnime,This is my first time doing a KHR fan fiction I hope I don't suck at writing the story.

Tsuna:what's the story about?

MsAnime:Read the summary Tsuna

Tsuna:*shock*Why is me,Dino,Yuni,Enma and Byakuran stuck in the past!!!!

MsAnime:Anyway can u please Tsu-kun




Normal PoV
It has been three days since the Representative Battle Of The Rainbow and the battle with Bermuda was over.It became peaceful and calm but not for a certain household.The brunet was having a conversation with his friends Enma Dino Yuni and Byakuran until a certain Beef Headed Lightning guardian came to the living room and ruined the peaceful atmosphere,If it was ever peaceful in the Sawada household."GYAHAHA LOOK AT LAMBO SAMA'S NEW AND IMPROVE BAZOOKA THAT GIANNI DID TSUNA-NII AND THE PEASENT OVER THERE TOO GYAHAHA!!!"Lambo screamed out letting the whole neighbourhood hear his magnificent voice.

"Shut up stupid Beef"Reborn said to Lambo and kicked him in the face sending him flying to the walk.Tsuna,Dino and Enma sweatdrop at the scene they just saw."SCARY"Tsuna, Dino and Enma thought at the same time in there head while Yuni was reading a manga and Byakuran was eating his fluffy marshmallows.

"G-Gotta *sniff* St-Stay Wahhhh!! Baka Reborn I'm going to kill you"Lambo cried out taking a pink grenade from his black afro and throw it at Reborn but Reborn kicked it back to him and exploded at his face.Tsuna tried to comfort Lambo by giving him a grape candy but it didn't work.

Lambo pulled a pink bazooka from his hair and tried to use but Reborn kicked the bazooka"not this time stupid beef"Reborn said and began to kick the pink bazooka.


The room was filled with pink smoke and the bazooka ended up hitting Tsuna Dino Enma Byakuran and Yuni and sending them to the future but are they really in the future, leaving the room Ingulfed with pink smoke everywhere.

Tsuna PoV
It was a peaceful day I was talking with some of my close friends mostly until my lightning guardian came to the living room and began to show his new and "improved" bazooka that GIANNI made."GYHAHA LOOK AT LAMBO SAMA NEW AND IMPROVED BAZOOKA THAT GIANNI DID TSUNA-NII AND THE PEASENTS OVER THERE"My lightning guardian said really loudly letting the whole neighbourhood hear him and I sweat drop at how loud his voice was.

Suddenly a baby with a fedora hat and his pet chameleon Leon came in and slammed the door.
"Stupid Beef shut up"Reborn said in a very numerous aura around him.Lambo began attack Reborn but failed twice and pulled out his new and "improved" bazooka from his hair,but Reborn kick it and ended up flying.I watched where the bazooka was headed until it was headed directly at me."HIEEE"I scream in my girly screech as the bazooka was almost an inch away from hitting me.






Normal PoV
As the smoke began to Reborn began to boil up and shouted"OII GIANNI COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!"
~few minutes later~
"Yes what is it Reborn-san"the inventor "asked very nervously at Reborn.Reborn began to calm down and sigh,Reborn responded by saying in a very malicious voice "It been 5 minute GIANNI where are they and where are there future selfs".

"You see Re-Reborn-san i modified the bazooka so it would go to the past instead of the future"Gianni nervously explained to Reborn.

Reborn responded by saying"While isn't Dame Tsuna ,Loser Enma Pipsqueak Dino ,Marshmallow Head and Princess Yuni,Five minutes has already been over".

Gianni slowly opened his mouth and began saying "I don't know Reborn-san but I will go check what part of the timeline they are stuck in"Reborn nodded and responded "While you that I will get Goku-puppy ,
Yama-sushi ,Chrome-chan Pineapple pedophile , loud mouth and I will also get Glasses guy and Lolipop Suckers to help you"

Gianni nodded and began to walk away from the room and searching for the location of Tsuna and the others.

"Dame-Tsuna where ever you are don't cause trouble or your going to get it from me"Reborn spoke out and began calling all of Tsuna's guardian and Shouchi and Spanner.


Tsuna PoV

The smoke cleared and I opened my eye and look at Enma then Byakuran then Yuni and then Dino who was unfortunately hit by the bazooka."Tsuna-san where are we"asked the red head.I began to examined the area and realize we are in a forest.

"Huh I wondered why our future selves are doing in this dark forest"Dino questioned and Bykuran answered casually "Maybe there having a picnic or playing hide and seek"

"Pinic......Hide And Seek.......I don't think so"Dino sweat dropped at Byakuran respond to him.I got up with my own two feet and we began to walk through the forest until I noticed and said to everyone nervously "Isn't five minutes up why aren't we back yet".

"I don't know but I'm having fun"both Yuni and Byakuran answered casually."Might be something to do with your lightning guardian bazooka lil bro"Dino said as he slipped into nothing."Oww"he said in a very painful voice.

I look back and began to pulled Dino-nii and asked in a worried tone"Are you ok Dino-nii",He nodded and I breath in relief."Di-kun soo clumsy"Byakuran

All of us smiled until my intuition told me that someone was coming.We all sweat dropped and then I saw a shadow."Tsuna-san who is that person"Enma asked hiding behind my back.The man began to move leaving the shadow fully revealing his face.
He had golden blond hair,blue eyes and fair skin and was wearing a suit and a cape and had the Vongola Sky ring on his finger.

"HIEEE!!!/Ehhhh!!! Primo!!!"all of us shouted."So that mean where in Italy and Not in the future but in the past"I thought to my self.

Giotto PoV
It was a very peaceful day,I was doing nasty paper works but didn't mind because it wasn't as a lot.
I thought it was a perfect day until I heard ....

I began to mentally cry thinking one of my guardian destroyed something and I have to do more nasty paper work.I slowly began to look at my window and notice a huge pink smoke surrounding the forest.I decide to go check it so I could skip paper work.

~2 minutes Later~

I got out of the mansion and began heading to the forest.The pink smoke was gone but I kept going to who was responsible for this smoke.I shivered thinking if it was Talbot invention or one of Daemon illusion to make me feel scared.

I kept searching until I began to hear a voice "Tsuna-san who is that person"the red headed boy pointed at me.I slowly walk to them revealing my face.They then shouted "HIEEE!!!/EHHH!! Primo".

I was shock and thought"who are these people and how did they pass many of the securities without being notice".



Me:Hope you guys like chapter 1
Me:SEE YAA!!!!!!!!!


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