7. Weird

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I was woken up by the sound of the front door closing. I was drowsy and slowly looked at the intruder. I assumed it was still the asshole. It was my aunt instead and there was no sign of him anywhere. He probably cleaned up his wounds and left. I hid in my room and hoped that my aunt wouldn’t notice anything. I didn’t want her to worry about me. She took care of me even though I destroyed not only her reputation but her life. She was still single and taking care of a freaky niece did not help at all. The neighbors stopped talking to her and she worked even harder to provide for both us. She lost her social life and any hope for happiness.

Since my bed was soft and comfortable I unintentionally fell asleep. My aunt was long gone and I was full of energy. I skipped downstairs and left the house forgetting to change first. I skipped to the park where I sat down under a tree and leaned on its trunk. I lied on the grass with nothing to do and watched the blue sky. I was bored out of my mind again. I imagined running through the park chasing the leaves and laughing. I would laugh and the wind would blow through my hair and it would be wonderful.

I stood up abruptly as the ball hit my face. I threw the ball as far away as I could. There was no way I would return it to the guy that decided to kill me. I ran away knowing the insults would soon follow and ended up running over the road but didn’t even notice it which I blame on my stupidity. I was hit by a car but it wasn’t anything serious. I scraped my knees again and reopened old wounds but was otherwise unharmed.

There was a driver panicking over my wounds and he ran out of his car to check if I was okay. “Shit! Are you okay? Of course you are not! I just hit you with my car! I...” I lifted myself in a sitting position and tried to calm him. “I am not hurt that badly. Everything’s going to be alright.  I will be fine in a couple of days. Stop panicking! Okay, take a deep breath…” 

The guy whose ball I threw away suddenly appeared to join the party. “You, b*tch!” He screamed at me. I groaned in pain as I stood up abruptly. “Hey! Watch your language! Are you okay? I have to take you to the hospital!” The one from the car decided to protect me and lifted me up and put me in the car as if I was unable to walk. The other one sat in the back sit. Didn’t people usually know that they shouldn’t talk to strangers? “So, she did escape from the mental hospital?” It was the last thing I heard before I ran for my life. I was not going to end up murdered and thrown up in garbage where nobody would find me. I had all intentions of living a long life that will end with dying from old age. 

They followed me. It figures that they’re connected. Why else would that guy sit in unknown car without saying anything? They planned this together. 

Because of my many injuries I wasn’t able to run very far so I ended up climbing a tree. They of course didn’t notice that and ran further and I ended up scared out of my mind. I was sitting on a tree and unwillingly relived all of the bad memories.


I was a child again. I was sitting on our backyard and was bored out of my mind. There was a tree in front of me and I climbed it. I had problems with a couple of branches but otherwise successfully climbed it. I was leaning on the side trying to see the street as I hoped for my aunt to arrive so I could show her where I was. When the neighbor’s dog barked I was startled so I jumped and fell of the tree. 

I remember the pain. It was nothing new to me. I was in huge abount of pain but no sound escaped my mouth. I waited a couple of minutes and when my aunt never came I started calling for help. I was bleeding pretty heavily and the pain was getting worse. I was tired. I gave up on jelling…

I was shocked out of my memories when I heard jelling. “Where are you? Hey, do you know what her name was? I have no idea.” I snorted. That was so typical. 

I forced myself to give them a chance. I needed a way to get off this tree anyway. “Over here!”

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