Chapter 2

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Tasha's P.O.V.

Today is finally the event of national swimming. I'm at home getting ready for it .
As usual, the coach has told us to report to the venue that's Tata Pool in Chembur.

After packing all the stuff I needed I head to my Audi A4.I had got it as a birthday gift from my parents on my 17th birthday .
Of course there is a driver to take me wherever I want to go as they've strictly warned me not to drive it until I turn 18 or else I'd be grounded for a month .

Soon, we reach the venue and I found my other friends Tanya and Hayden who are there for the event too. I quickly give both of them a hug ,then I head towards the changing room . While heading there I could spot my major competitor , guess who? Yes it's Ms Neha Bhatia . I start to feel the feeling of anger and nervousness together as this girl never stops taunting me or my group for no reason. God knows what her fucking problem is and God knows how her friends tolerate her..maybe they're all just like her,as we all know the saying "Birds of the same feather flock together".

When I reach the changing room I quickly change into the swim suit I wore under my tank top and shorts . Later I go out and start my daily warm up which includes a 200 metre free style , 100×4 sets of kicks and drills and also 4 sets of start ,turns and finishes. By the time I finish its been an hour....While I was doing my warm up I could see Neha giving me death glares between her warm ups .

Now I've got another 15-20 mins to relax and bother myself about what's going to happen today.

Later,all the participants are ready for the first event of today that is 200 meter Fly . When we are all ready standing in our diving blocks I see Neha glancing at me with a huge smirk plastered on her face. Overconfident much huh?I say to myself when I see her.
I am totally focused right now avoiding distraction as i am standing on my diving board and preparing my self for a win as soon as the whistle blows I dive and swim putting all my energy ... When I get nearer and nearer to the finish point my speed increases . As soon i touch the touch pad that indicates the finish point and it starts beeping . I could hear the cheering of a few people . I come up to the block..and slowly observe the coaches as they examine everyones results. It seemed like the people from other set weren't as fast as the people in our set.

The result of the time trials was displayed immediately after the coaches examined it with the ranking .
The person on number 1 position was Neha, the person on the 2nd position was me , the person on the 3rd position was Sanah and so on till 8th position.

I come out of the pool with a relief that I got selected to the I really have to aim on winning this! I went to Hayden with a tired smile..
While I was talking to Hayden and Tanya , Neha the bitch arrives interrupting our talks.
She looks at me and says "Hey Tasha you really swam well"with a smirk.
I smirk as well and say "You too. Be ready to lose "
" Oh come on,everyone knows I am way too better than you"

" it?"Her smirk widens." Then sure whatever helps you to sleep tonight."I say

She rolls her eyes and leaves us for the first time without arguing much.
Now it's 3:45 and the final round for 200 m Fly is going to take place. I do some relaxing exercises ..some stretches and walk towards the podium..finally the announcer announces our respective lanes...and we take our places...this time Neha stands right next to me! God I am gonna beat her this time! Everyone's ready on their diving boards and dive as soon as the whistle blows.
I dive long and started swimming as fast as possible cause this is the only chance that i could beat that bitch and she gets a slap on her face by my actions,ofcourse ot literally ,though that would definitely be funny to watch...and finally i touch the touch pad and come up and watch the screen everyone doing the same when they touch the touch pad.
The coaches examine the results and the top 3 positions are displayed on the screen .
Position 1 - Ms Tasha
Position 2 - Ms Neha
Position 3 -Ms Sanah

Seeing that my heart starts beating fast and feeling like I am on cloud 9! Hah! I beat that bitch!! All the coaches come and congratulate me and then my friends do. I take a look at Neha who is giving me an icy glare and as soon as I see her ,a smirk forms on my face.

After couple of events it's time for the final round of 400 m free style.
When we are standing ready on our diving boards i could see that Neha is on the exact right diving board of mine. Not again ,ugh! I think that to myself.

Soon the whistle blows and every one dives into the pool.
I fasten up and finally touch the touch pad . This time again I'm on the first position, Tanya on second and Neha on the third according to the results.

This means I take one step forward to fulfil my dream .
I guess I'm finally promoted to the international swimming event. And this makes me the happiest person alive on earth .

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