Chapter 4

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Picture of Sam above

Sam's P.O.V.

I opened the door of the room in which my sister was and seeing her lying on the bed with all those wires connected to her made me feel sad ,it made me feel broken that I couldn't protect her.
When my sister saw me approaching her ,Her face lit up and that made me smile at her as
I hugged her when I was beside her.
"How are you feeling sis?" I asked her
"Fine" That's all she said
I nodded trying not to think much about it.
Then we were silent for a few minutes , a comfortable one and then she decided to break the silence
"There was a letter yesterday saying that you have been selected to go to Oliver University" She blurted with a sad smile
"WHAT?!?!?You're kidding right?" I said as calmly as I could ..Going to Oliver University was my dream and hearing those words made me feel like I was on cloud 9!
"No Sam ,I'm not kidding ! The letter must be in my purse I guess!" She said bringing me out of my trance.
"Ok..Well I'll see that later but as for now if I'll go to the university, you have to come with me to London..As I can't leave you here with no one around to take care of you and also we could rent an apartment there!"

"What?!?!?No! I'm not coming with you to London please!"

"And why so?"

"Because I want to stay here"

"But Di,I can't leave you here all alone..I can't stay without you! If you won't come then even I wont go! I'll mail them that I won't be attending their university!"

"Sam"she muttered"Please don't do this..It is the university you always dreamt to get into..You can't just ruin this chance because of me"

"I know that Di,but you are much more important to me than anyone else even more than that university!.So please? Come with me or let me stay here!"

"Ugh!Ok Fine!I'll come with you but only on one condition "

"What is it?"I raised my eyebrows having no idea what she was thinking .

"You have to find yourself a girl when we go to London!I mean it's time to move on from her Sam. How many more days will you be thinking of that freaking bitch who betrayed you?It's been almost a year Sam!"

"Ugh..I know..Ok ..I'll try my best to move on !"She was right ,I had to move on from her,from my past ,I loved her ,She betrayed me.I feel as if she never really loved me.

"That's like my baby boy!"she said grinning from ear to ear

I scowled at that name.

After a few minutes we heard the door click open and saw the doctor coming in followed by Rahul .

"How are you feeling Ms Tina?" The doctor asked her

"Bit better than before"she said

"Good..hope you recover soon." He said and then he turned to me handing me a paper and said "These are the medications prescribed for her.She'll be discharged after a few days as she needs to be under observations.If any problems kindly call me."

"Yea sure doctor."I said" And doctor, I wanted to ask you something?"


"Can we talk outside?"


I left the room with the doctor giving one last look to my sister and nodding at her .
When we were outside the doctor asked me what I wanted to talk about.

"So..what's that you wanted to talk about?"

"How's my sister's condition?"

"Mm...I guess she is getting better.. Her condition isn't serious anymore..but it's still a lot painful for her "

I close my eyes for a second and then reply.
"Okay ..Mm doctor?"

"Yes Mr. Sam?"

"Can I take her to London? The thing is that I have been selected in for a university in London.And since I have only my sister left for me..I can't leave her here all alone! So?"

"Mm..Mr.Sam... I dont know depends on how much time she takes to recover.When do u have to leave India by the way?"

"Okay... On the 2nd of June "

"Okay...I guess she'll be a little better by then ..but if any problems you can of course call me or consult the doctors there if things get serious"

"Okay ..thank you so much means a lot."

" problem..And by the way ..congratulations "

"oh yes, thank you"

"No problem!"and after saying that he leaves and I go back into the room.

As soon as I enter the room I am bombarded with questions from both Rahul as well as Di.

"Geez..I can only answer when you stop questioning"

"Oops..sorry"Di said

I shake my head while smiling and say"Its ok..and to both of your question ..Doctor said that your condition is better"I said pointing towards Di .

Then turning to Rahul I say "Rahul ..I need to tell you something"

"Sam..even I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"I asked

"I ..I got accepted in Brunel university..London"he said with a sad smile

"What?!?That's really nice..I am sure you'll become the world's best architect soon!But why are you so sad about it ?"I asked in a serious tone

"Its because I have to leave you people here which is the most difficult task for me"He said in an annoyed tune

"Well..about don't have to go to London alone"I said smiling

"What do you mean?How's that possible have your own career which you can't ruin for me..."he started rambling and soon I shut him off by keeping my hand on his mouth

"Will you stop rambling and listen to me ?"I said in an annoyed tone

"Oh sorry..Yes?"

"I have been accepted to Oliver university,London."

Hearing that his face lit up immediately and he hugged me !i shook my head at his childishness and hugged him back,meanwhile my sister cleared her throat making us come back to reality!

"For god sake stop your gay love both of you"she said rolling her eyes playfully and I just shook my head at her dialogue thinking how childish she can be sometimes.
"Di?seriously?"I asked her

She just stuck her tongue out and said "Yes"
I and Rahul just laughed at her childishness .
Later we started talking about stuff we'll do once we are at London.
Luckily my and Rahul,both of our colleges start on the same day .
My sister said she'll find a part time job for herself when we'll be away for college so that she won't get bored sitting in one place .
Rahul and I agreed to it as we didn't actually have any other choice
Like me ,even Rahul had lost his parents but a little later than mine ... he lost them two years back when his house was on fire and they couldn't escape on time and the only reason he was alive was because he was in school at that moment.

Meanwhile all three of us decided to rent an apartment together when we get there.

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