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I am like a leaf quivering in the wind; every one thinks I'm cold but I'm not. To me the world is a giant, I may as well be a scurrying mouse. I have no friends but I don't mind. All I want is to be a tall oak tree but even they can be struck down.

Our lives during the day are the opposite at night. Either way there is always fear. The timid and the shy are the best at defeating nightmares and the courageous and mighty are the ones who end up as their slaves. But never mind what you are sleep always catches up with you. You can't avoid it you can run but you can't hide.

so my name is Alison and I have been trying to avoid sleep since I was 10 years old. It all started on the night I turned 10. Everyone has a fear one fear that is worse than all the rest. Well mine is....................................................................................................................................................................................... windows.

I know it sounds stupid but an open window freaks me out especially during the night. If you think about it it isn't soo stupid with an open window any uninvited guests can just waltz in. Anyway  I need to tell you something something very important indeed. How to start how to start.......

Well on the night of your 10th birthday you are attached to a nightmare of your worst fear. It then clings on to you making every night a torture. It opens my windows and lets all sorts of monsters in. I have paper pale vampires with blood oozing mouths, flying in, in bat form then to transform into the blood thirsty craze monster that it is. Ghosts of dead cereal murderers and their victims held hostage next to them. One that I can never get out of my mind is horrid. He had a creepy evil smile, roughly shaven beared, and sunken in dark shady eyes. He also had five long scratches down his face, finger nail scratches. All his hostage had severed heads and were wailing and screaming for help, but there was nothing I can do it is horrible.

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