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Eleanor's POV

It's been 5 days since I began to be the De La Garza's tour guide. So far what's happen is, they have accepted me into their family, I don't know it just happened. They have been staying at my places instead of hotels. Sucks in a way since I can't walk around in my house in just my underwear, it happened the first night they stayed in my house in Belmopan. I forget they were staying there, I woke up and decided I wanted waffles for breakfast and I was walking into the kitcken, practically naked since I was just wearing a a tong and a medium sized t-shirt, a tong out of all things, anyways, I walked into the kitchen and Demi was sitting there drinking coffee. At first I didn't think much of it until she cleared her throat. That's when I realized what I was wearing and ran up the stairs and straight into my room. Demi didn't make it easy on me that day.

Back to the original point. I got closer to Dallas and Madi. I bonded with Eddie over a football game, Dianna and I bonded over making dinner a few nights ago. Now Demi. Demi and I have a special relationship if you want to call it that. I would say its a crazy one. Demi and I have been writing songs for her ablum and working on the music for them as well. Demi says she wants to use some of my songs. I told her to go for it I don't have a problem with her using it, as long as she gives me a shout out. Another thing about Demi. She's a cuddler. She loves to cuddle. Every night she sneaks into my room and cuddles with me. I personally don't have a problem with it. I love cuddling with her.

Oh yeah. Demi got me on a freaking horse. I hate them. I hate riding them. She got me on one though. I don't know. I'm a sucker when she pouts. She just looks so adorable and I can't help but say yes. She bribed me though. I was going to say yes before she bribed me, but she spoke before I said yes this caused her to come on a date with me. She had happily agreed without hesitation.

Today I'm taking the family to San Pedro to have a relaxing day at the beach. Tomorrow we will be heading out to Blue Hole and simply just spending the day out at sea. Knowing Demi's family would most likely be tired after this day long trip, this is the day I'll be taking Demi out on our date. I have everything already planned. The following day will just consist of driving around the island and relaxing beach side since they fly back to the US on Monday.

"Alright. Are you all ready to go?" I say once everyone was on the living room. Their stuff already being in the van. I decided that we would travel sea side and fly back. Liam was joining us today since he'll be driving back.

"Yes. Let's go to the beach!"
Madi yells. I laugh at her.

"Madi, shut it." Demi says still hungover after last night. Yup. I took Demi and Dallas to the club since they felt the need to go out, but only Demi got wasted. Dallas and I chuckled at her.

"Come on princess. It's time to get in the car." I tell Demi. It's normal for us to now give each other pet names. Every one knows we have a thing for each other, but don't act on it fully.

"Haha very funny." She says. I pick her up bridal style, she automatically wraps her hands around my neck and I carry her to the car. This has also become our thing since I picked her up bridal style when we went Zip lining and cave tubbing. Every time Demi doesn't want to walk, I carry her.

Everyone is in the car and I quickly go lock the door of my house, even though I know Alexis or Krishna if not both will be there soon.


"Alright De La Garza's we just reached San Pedro. I have taken it upon myself to make sure your hotel reservations are available." I say and we get in a taxi and head to the hotel.

Once everyone was settled in their room. I told them I was going to see them in an hour and they should freshen up and whatnot.

I made my way to my aunt's and grandmother's house where I would be staying. After saying hello and catching up and eating at my grandma's request I head back to my guest. Walking back to the hotel my phone rings.

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