71. Cover for @Sheaa_OvoXo

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I hope you like your cover!

You requested something similar to what I've already seen on Wattpad, so I tried not to copy exactly because I know it's not fair to the person who had it originally

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

You requested something similar to what I've already seen on Wattpad, so I tried not to copy exactly because I know it's not fair to the person who had it originally. So, I kept the photo of Justin that you wanted and Chanel in the mirror, which I hope you like!

If any adjustments are needed just let me know!

And I thank you so much for waiting patiently, you never rushed me to complete this - and I appreciate that SOOO much!

Thank you for letting me make it for you!

If you want a cover:
• Please message me so I can work on it with you.
• Let me know the people who will play the roles in your book, including the main characters you want on the cover.
• Let me know the general concept of your book like the setting, story plot, etc.
• I want the author to participate as much as possible so I will let you know when the cover is done and if you need to make any adjustments, let me know I will fix it for you.
• Most importantly, please give credit for using my covers.

I hope you enjoy the covers everyone!
Thank you for your continuous love and support!


Cover Requests : ➟ {CLOSED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora