Chapter Five - Stake Out

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This guy really is odd... I watch in silence as Austin sharpens a wooden stick with a kitchen knife, trying not to gulp as he scratches away at the wood.

", Austin, why are you, uh..." I gesture towards the half-sharpened stick as he glances up at me; I don't exactly want to say much about it, it's plain weird. I mean, it's one thing if he can see ghosts, because I can too - right enough, I'm still not sure if he's just messing with me or not - but claiming to be a 'vampire hunter' and sharpening wood into what must be a stake? It's weird! There's no vampires in this part of the world anymore!

"It's a stake. So I can hunt." Uhm. I guessed that much.

"I mean, why are you... Vampires don't-"

"They exist." He tells me, so matter-of-fact. "I said I would show you that they exist. So, do you want to see a vampire, Drew?"

No. No. I don't. Vampires are horrible, dangerous, deadly-

"Sure, I'd love to see one." What?! Did I just...just agree to go with this nut-job to see what he thinks is a vampire?! Why the-

"Great. Would you be up to seeing one tonight?"

Damn. Can't back out now. Stupid, stupid Drew. "I guess so." I say reluctantly. He cocks his head to the side, studying me.

"You think I'm being silly and immature, don't you?" Yep. "You don't believe that I hunt vampires, right?" Yep. "And you don't believe I see ghosts." Yep.

But I don't say 'yes' to any of that; no, instead I just shrug. Eugh, stupid, stupid Drew.

"After tonight you'll believe me about the vampires. As for the ghosts... Harley!" I see a pale form burst through the wall and into the front room, where Austin and I have been sat for the last hour or so, and my jaw drops as I gape at the dark-haired girl. "Harley's a truthful soul; sure you're a ghost?" He asks his sister; she nods. "See? You can take her word for it, she's trustworthy." And it's got nothing to do with the fact that she just drifted through a wall, right?! "Do you believe me now?"

"I...I..." I gulp, before just staring at Harley for a moment. "You're a ghost?"

"Yeah. And you can see me." She smiles. "You know, staring is rude. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I have an admirer."

I feel my eyebrows shoot up and my eyes widen at that. "No! No, I'm...I'm not into...I mean, I'm...I'm gay!" I exclaim panickedly. She smiles.

"As I said, 'if I didn't know any better'. It's so obvious you're gay." She smirks.

"Oh...I... Alright..." I feel my face flush pink, and Austin grins. I've never been told that before, uhm...

"As I've said before, beautiful." My face flushes an even deeper shade of red at Austin's words. "Now, on with the show, eh? Harley, this beautiful-"

"Stop calling me beautiful." I mutter.

"This guy doesn't believe in vampires, nor in the fact that I'm a vampire hunter. Is it a good idea to show him one or not?" Austin asks his sister.

"I don't know. You know how dangerous vampires can be, Ozzy. Do you really want to risk it?" Harley frowns slightly. Austin and she both glance towards me, and it takes me a moment to realise they're waiting for my verdict on this. I don't want to see a vampire tonight, I really don't. They're too dangerous, one could kill me in a fraction of a second without even trying! I know how these vampire hunts turn out, because my dad used to hunt them and record the events... I really don't think this is a good idea...

"I...I guess if something went wrong, we could get away?" Hah. From vampires? Hah. "So, uhm, sure, I guess. I...okay."

"Good. In that case, there's some stuff I want to show you." He stands up, before crossing the room and bending over to grab something from under the table in the corner of the room. 'Dat ass...' I think, before feeling sick at what I just thought about. He does not have a nice ass, that's ridiculous! is rather shapely... And datum, can that guy fill out a pair of skinnies just right...

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