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Emily's pov

I'm sitting in the car behind the school waiting for Alison to come. It's officially weekend but Alison is having a conversation with some teachers, aka my colleagues, if she can take some tests again. It's really important for our relationship and the baby that she graduates this year. I then hear a door open and Alison quickly getting in. "You ready?" I ask and she nods. I start the car and drive away. "So uhm are you sure I should go with you, I mean what if somebody sees us?" I ask her. She scoffs. "Why would anybody of our school be there?" I sigh and grab her hand. "Ali you know we can't risk it being seen there." I say trying to be calm. "Well I didn't know your job or image is more important than the baby." She says not so calm and takes her hand away. We arrive at the clinic and I make my way over to Alison's side. I open the door and reach my hand out for her to take. She looks at my hand and then at me raising her eyebrow. "Come on girlfriend, we have an appointment." She smiles and grabs my hand.

"So Alison." The doctor says while walking in. "I see you're pregnant for a month now." And he sits behind his desk. Alison nods. "Alright in month two you have to make an appointment too and then we could hear the heart beat, but for now I just want a check up knowing how you feel." The doctor says and we listen carefully. "Are you feeling tired this month?" He asks. "More than usual." "Well that's normal, just take some extra rest and power naps are good too." He says and knowing Alison that's going to be a problem, Ali can't rest.

"You have to make sure you drink a lot of water and milk and eat cheese and yoghurt, it's good for both of you." He says and Alison nods. "I know I found it on the Internet." She smiles. "So there are going to be some changes but not physically yet, you'll probably eat more, be tired all the time and the need of physical contact will be high." He says and looks at me with the last part. I catch Alison smirking at me.

"So I guess you are partners?" He asks us. I take Alison's hand as she says yes. "But you don't have a donor, I see." He says looking at the computer. "I'm intersex." I say and chuckle a bit awkward. "Oh I see, of course." And he smiles standing up. We stand up too. "So that was it for today, if you could make an appointment for next month." He says and we shake his hand. Then we walk to our car.

"Maybe we should tell your parents today?" I ask her and she looks up at me. We parked in a park still in our car but her being cuddled up to me. "how about tomorrow, my dad would be home then too." She says and I nod. She looks worried. "Everything's going to be alright." I say and kiss her temple. "What if they forbid us?" She says looking at me. "Well to be honest they don't have a choice cause I'm planning to spend the rest of my life with you." I say and kiss her nose. "Maybe they'll be mad for a week but they'll come around." I say and she nods. "My mom couldn't stop talking about you when we went home." She says and laughs. I laugh too and pull her closer so that were cuddling  each other again. "Just don't stress it's not good for our baby." I say and she kisses my collarbone. "Our baby."

Alison's pov
I walk into my house as quietly as possible. But my mom stands there in the room blocking my way. "Where were you young lady?" She asks with her arms crossed. "Out" and try to walk past her but she stops me. "Who is he?" She asks. I turn around raising my eyebrow. "I know you're dating someone, you're barely home and you're happy all the time plus those hickeys don't help." I quickly cover my neck and make a reminder that I have to get revenge on Emily. I try to come up with a lie. "I'm not blind." My mom says. What does it matter tomorrow they'll find out eventually maybe I should prepare them a bit. "I don't think you'll approve it." I say nervously. "God it's not a criminal Alison?" "No no no it's just.." I trail off.

My mom comes closer and grabs my hands. "Alison I can see he makes you really happy so we probably will love him." She says. "She does makes me happy ." I say and look down. "A she huh." She says and drops my hands. "Are you mad?" I ask. "No I'm not mad Alison, it's just something I have to take in." She says and, oh boy she should know this is only a small part. "I want you to meet her, but please give her a chance." I say pleading. "Of course." She says "let me tell your dad." She says and I nod crying. "To be honest he already suspected it, he saw you looking at girls too." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What did he think about it?" I ask. "Let's say he didn't mind it but he was worried about grandchildren and if people would threat you badly if you walk in hand in hand with a girl." She says and my mom hugs me, telling them they don't have to worry about grandchildren would be too much for one day. "He stills sees you as his little princess." I smile. "Let's go to bed, and say to your girlfriend that we'll have dinner at 7." I walk up the stairs. " I will." I say back and text Emily the good news.

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