The Story Begins

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Me: hi my beautiful people this is a little story i thought up ^-^ WARNING!!!!! this story will contain self harm. Hurting yourself is never a good thing so don't do it. so let's get this story started with the first chapter ^-^


A young girl about twenty in a black hoodie, tattered jeans, and boots walked down the street in the pouring rain, lightning flashed overhead and thunder crashed. Magnolia was having one of its worst storms ever. She walked up onto the porch of a small house, nice, but still small. She took a set of keys out of her jean pockets and unlocked the door. she quietly stepped in and re-locked the door behind her.

Nightmare for that was the name she went by or Night whichever takes your fancy, beacuseNo one knew her real name but her. Night put the keys on a hook beside the door and took her hoodie off as she walked word the laundry room. she quickly threw it in the washer. Night pushed her long black hair back out of her face revealing her crimson red eyes. She had only been in Magnolia a week or so a Guild by the name of Fairy Tail was the reason she had come. Night sighed and walked to her bathroom and turned the shower on. Once it was the desired temp she striped and jumped in. After a wile she emerged dried off and walked out of the bathroom down the hall and into her room. She grabbed a new black hoodie and a pair of night pants slipping them on. She flopped down on her bed and slipped into her worst nightmare yet.

There she stood in her parents old house. She watched as her five year old self come down the stairs rubbing her eyes since it was the middle of the night. Night tried to warn her tried to call out but her voice failed her. She knew what was coming and she couldn't stop it. The little girl walked into the kitchen and screamed there on the floor was her parents in a pool of blood and guts. Night watched the girl that was her stare at the corpses. and suddenly she was the girl, five, scared looking at her dead parents.

"m-m-mom d-d-dad" her voice trembled as she took one step forward only to be snatched up by a pair of muscular arms. One hand covered her mouth the other held her waist. She felt the magic bind her arms and legs as she kicked at the person holding her. the arm unwrapped from her hips and came back into view a long serrated knife in hand.

"Scream for me" a gruff male voice said as the knife was pressed into her face on the left side so that it was vertical with the center of her eye. As the knife was drug slowly downwards Night screamed but it was muffled but the man's hand.

"good girl" The man said as he ran his tongue across the wound tasting her blood. Night screamed again and all went black.

Night woke with a scream pressing a hand to the left side of her face as the illusion that hid her scar wavered revealing the milky white of her left eye and the sar that ran through the center. She drew her knees to her chest and buried her face breathing heavy and sweating from the nightmare. Thats the last she slept, she sat there listening to the storm rage on outside.


Me: thanks for reading ^_^ the Fairy Tail crew will join us next time so stay tuned for updates and comment below or PM me if you have any ideas, problems, suggestions, or questions

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