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Chapter 4


Me: sorry Reader-Chan I had some stuff happen irl and just couldn't wright. But I'm better now and your update it here YAY!!

Gajeel: just get on with it shorty

Natsu: YAY!!

Gajeel: god you two *sighs*

Me: READ ON READER-CHAN!!!! I hope you like leave comments please. I'm always open to suggestions and critiques

•2 months later•

Night had formally been invited to join the guild Fairy Tail and of corse she had accepted. The guild mark now stood out in crimson red on her left collar bone. Night was in an old T-shirt; that slipped down off her shoulder showing the guild mark. She also had on a pair of baggie sweat pants and fluffy socks.She had a fleece blanket across her lap and a cup of coffee in her hands as she sat on the couch watching TV. Her long black hair with hints of purple fell round her shoulders. Gajeel still came over every day to check on her, to add to this she oddly found herself looking forward to his visits.

This frightened her , she liked his company but at the same time that little voice in her head kept saying 'remember what happened last time you trusted a man?'. Night sighed her head said no wile her heart said yes 'trust him you need this you've been alone far to long' Night was so confused on what to do.

She sat there and sipped her coffee, just then Gajeel came in "morning Shorty" he said as he headed for the kitchen. He normally ate breakfast with her.

"So I'm shorty now am I?" She mocked him raising an eyebrow.

Gajeel smirked as he grabbed a plate and filling it with food. He then walked out and sat next to her "watcha watchen?" He asked

"The News" she replied as they watched. Night sifted on the couch so that now her feet are under her and she takes another sip of her coffee. Gajeel glanced over at her then back at the Tv. He didn't know why he liked hanging out with her or why he felt so ..............
......protective. He finished his meal and got up walking back to the kitchen. He set his plate in the sink and walked back out to Night.

Night glanced at him, maybe it was worth a shot to trust him. After all in the two months she had known him he had done nothing to hurt her. In fact he had take care of her even bring her food. Witch she felt was not custom to him. She then looked back at the Tv. Night a little smiles curves across her lips. She decides to go with her heart on this one.

Gajeel looked over as she smile, god she was beautiful when she smiles. He looked back at the Tv something about a robbery he really didn't care. He just wanted to was hang with her.

•couple of weeks later•

Night was at the Guild hall, she was wearing her usual black hoodie and ripped jeans with black letter boots. She had been going every day for at lest and hour. She noticed she stayed longer and longer every day. Night was still nervous around the others especially Natsu who refused to give her space. she had decked him twice so far and every time she did it he'd just come back.

"Come on Night just one hug" Natsu whimpered

"No" Night rolled her eyes crossing her as over her chest

"Your just gunna get decked again" Gajeel smirked

Night's eye a flashed with amusement. She gave Natsu a stern look crossing her arms over her chest.

"So what's your magic Night. You've been her for a little wile and yet I've never seen you use it" Mira asked sweetly from the bar changing the subject witch Night was grateful for.

Night looked over at her " well I'm a Slayer" she said with a half smile 'and a half breed' she thought to herself. She wasn't yet ready to tell them she was half dragon. Her father was a dragon she knew that much. The dragon who had saved her, raised her, and taught her Slayer magic told her this.

"Really?" Gajeel and Natsu asked at the same time. Looking at her as if they'd seen a ghost.

Mira nodes and said "so we add another Slayer to the family" She smiles back at Night

Night nods "yeah I'm a slayer"

she looked over when Gajeel asked "Did your dragon disappear to?"

"Yeah" Night said quietly remembering that day all to well.

•Years ago•

The night was beautiful. Full of stars, constellations and the full moon that made the black if the night sky bright. Nightmare still called by her real name looked up at the moon a slight glow to her red eyes. She was about 12 at this time and was small only about 5'0 tall. She had mastered illusionary magic and to anybody who looked at her they would not see the scar that mares her face. A dragon with scales as black as the night with little flecks of sliver so that it looked as if the stars themselves had fallen into them. It's tall slender frame was graceful. it's ivory white horns and spines shown in the moon light. It large wings where folded neatly at it's sides and It walked forward on silent paws with long recurved talon. The beast bent is large head down the silver tear drop shaped scales by it's eyes glimmering next to the girl "Anna I have to go hunting I'll be back soon" the dragons voice was clearly female and was like a lullaby soft and sweet. Comforting and loving like a mother talking to her child.

Anna looked into her dragons deep purple eyes the shades of purple where to many to count as numerous as the stars in the sky. "Can I come mama?" She asked

"No I'm going to a place only for dragons my child" the dragon nuzzled the small girl who wrapped her arms around the dragons nose "Oki mama I'll see you soon" Anna smiled and unwrapped her arms and letting the dragon fly off into the night.

Anna sat outside there cave till sunrise when she went inside and lay down falling asleep hoping her dragon was alright. When night fell again and she woke she was cold. There was no dragon beside he keeping her warm. She looked around "mama?" She got up and walked outside. No sighs of the dragon could be seen. "Mama" Anna called out again hoping the dragon might just be outside. When not response came Anna again waited for the dragon. She waited for days she sat on a rock and started to cry "Akumu where are you" she whispered through the tears


The snapping of fingers just in front of her face brought Night back to the real work "hu?" She asked and looked at Gajeel

"I asked if you where ok " he said crossing his arms over his chest

"Oh yeah yeah just tired I think I'll go home now"she said kind awkwardly

"Want me to walk with you?" He asked looking at her

"No no I'm good" she said as she got up

"Alright Cya tomorrow" he walked back over to Natsu. Natsu nudged him with a goofy smile.

Night walked out the guild doors and down the road back to her home.

Gajeel looked at Natsu "what?" He said gruffly

"You likkkeeee her" Natsu and Happy said at the same time. Natsu snickered and ran as Happy flew off laughing. Gajeel chased Natsu yelling.

Me: hahah didn't see that coming did you ;)
Gajeel: you are pure evil *grins*
Natsu: I wanna hug ;-;
Me and Gajeel: NO!
Natsu: *walks off sulking*
Me: well till next time Reader-chan
Gajeel: yes till next time. Hey Dakota what is in store for the next chapter?
Me: maybe a little romance tehehehe :D
Gajeel: o.O ...........
Natsu: :D Me maybe?
Me: not telling now bye Reader-chan and thank you :)
Natsu and Gajeel: Bye


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