My troubled life

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God, I hate my life. After one term of my senior years, Mum decides we should move. And not just anywhere, but to NSW. A whole new state! Life will change from knowing everyone and having everyone know me, to being just 'the new girl'. Plus, I'll be a year younger than everyone else in my grade. How much worse could it be?

"Are you finished packing yet Lily?" my Mum called up the stairs of our home.

"Yeah, of course. Please remind me again why we have to move?"

"I have told you before, so you should know." Mum sounded fed up.

"Please remind me." My voice came out whiny, but I don't care. She's the one that's making us move.

"Your father is in the army, so he has to live close to the bases. He has been posted to the Richmond base, so we have to move so he can be close to the base." She sounded extremely fed up. Probably because this was about the fiftieth time I'd asked her. But I still didn't get it.

"Why do we have to move? Can't he go alone?" Why does he have to get moved? Why is he in the army?

"So you really want to spend the next five years of your life without your father? Well, you aren't allowed to live by yourself and I want to stay with my husband, thank you very much!" She sounded angry now, so I decided to drop the subject, at least for now.


"Well, since you're finished packing, you can take your suitcase down to the car and help Rachel and Arthur with their packing."

"Ok." It was annoying, helping them, but I was more mature than Arthur, even though we were twins, so I acted as a second mother to him and Rachel when mum wasn't around.


I HATE CARS!!! And windy roads! Especially Putty Road. Some of the views were ok, but I spent too much time with my head in a plastic bag to fully appreciate them.

Luckily Rachel, Arthur, Mum and Dad have strong stomachs. And that Mum remembered to give me an empty shopping bag before we started.

Oh well. We were almost there. Mum pointed at a fence with trees around it, and lots of pretty buildings inside it.

"That's your new school. It's a primary and high school combined, so all three of you will be going there. Unfortunately, it's 45 minutes away from our house by car. Because your father and I both have to go to work early, you will catch the bus to and from school."

"Ok," we all answered in unison. I sighed. Arthur would sit as far away from me as possible, and Rachel would sit right next to me, and get me to help her as much as possible. That will make life fun. A senior, and I have a little grade 7 wandering around after me. That will attract friends. Not. Bullies, more likely. But maybe that won't happen. All I am doing is my duty as an older sister, and I like to think there is nothing else about that I can't laugh off. Sure, I wear glasses, but I think they make me look nicer. My hair is a really pretty blonde colour and I have blue eyes, and am reasonably fit. Nothing there to tease.

That's another thing I'm not sure about moving to Richmond. I used to do sport, but it was rare, equestrian vaulting. I know there are lots of teams in and around Richmond, but I don't know if they are near to where we will be living or not. I had to leave our horses, but at least if I do vaulting I will see some horses weekly. Otherwise I won't see horses for a long time.

Just as I had that thought, we pulled up outside a huge mansion.

"Here we are kids." Dad sounded thrilled. Wait, this was our house? But it's huge!

"How did you afford this house?" Arthur sounded suspicious, but also like he was secretly thrilled.

"Well, the army gave your father enough money to buy a house that would fit all of us. We added the money from the sale of our old house, and realised we had the right amount to buy this house. It's nice, don't you think?" Mum sounded almost anxious at the end.

"It's wonderful!" I hurried to reassure her. A huge house, and she thought we wouldn't like it? She must be crazy. This house probably had enough bedrooms I could have one to myself, instead of sharing with Rachel. Plus, it would probably be bigger than our old room.

"Dibs choosing my bedroom first!" I cried out as we all spilled out of the car to go have a look inside.

"You'll need the keys." Dad called from where he was unloading at the rear of the car, and chucked them to Arthur. Once Arthur had the door open, we all scrambled through the door, only to stop dead straight away.

A massive marble staircase swept upwards, splitting in two and continuing to either side of the massive hall. Looking up, we saw gold leaf and fancy scroll work on the roof. To the left was a massive living room, complete with a wide, flat screen TV and plush sofas. On the other side of the hall was a dining room with a huge, long, gleaming table and high backed chairs. Through a door set into the stairs was a kitchen shining with stainless steel.

We all rushed upstairs, and found two spotless bathrooms, four en-suits and two guest rooms. All the rooms were huge, with king beds. Even so, I was attracted to one room only. With a green colour scheme, the room reminded me of the bush. The bed had a canopy with leaf patterns on the underside, so it was like sleeping in a forest. I loved it straight away.

Hmm, maybe living here wouldn't be so bad after all.

Then I remembered about the new school, and vaulting, or lack thereof. It probably would be just as bad as I had thought.

I noticed a ladder leaning against one wall, painted so it blended in with the wall. Looking up, I picked out what could be a trapdoor in the ceiling.

I climbed the ladder, and I was right. I pushed on it, and it swung open easily. Climbing through, I found a room full of books, with a little desk in the corner. I walked over to it, and noticed a small envelope sitting there. There was no addressee on the outside, so I felt alright opening it. Inside was a letter.

Dear finder,

If you are reading this letter, then you have found my secret library and study room. I spent many happy hours in here reading, but unfortunately a change in circumstances meant I had to leave, and couldn't bring my collection with me. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did. Even if you don't, please look after them for me.


Wow. I wonder who Alice was, and what happened to her. She obviously loved her books, so it must have been pretty spectacular. Perhaps Mum or Dad will know?

"Lily! Get your bum down here and help with the unpacking!" Ugh. Arthur. Isn't he lovely? Better do as he says, or it will be Mum yelling at me next.

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