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Ally stumbled on a root, her eyes focused ahead of her. The clearing was in sight, but if only she'd stop tripping on things. Trying to look up and down at the same time, she made her way to the patch. Wind rustled the leaves above, the sky turning a bit dark. She also was growing dark, but from withheld or unclear information. How could no one know if Shadow was bad or good? How could they assume she was bad? Were they really going to let Sugarblood control their minds? 

Her foot caught on a vine, pulling on her foot as she walked. She fell to the ground, her dark expression turning to that of surprise. She shrieked and landed with a thud, her arms bracing her fall. Blond hair falling in front of her face, Ally turned to look at her foot. A vine was wrapped around it, but from closer inspection she saw it was a slip tie, one of hers, probably. She undid it and pulled her foot free. She got back up with a grunt, brushing herself off. When she looked down she was shocked to see another trap, and in it was a rabbit with horns. Thoroughly surprised, she froze for a moment, unsure what to do. Then she quickly leaned down to release it. At the sight of her it was freaking out, trying to get away. 

"Shh," she tried to calm it, gently stroking it. Eventually it settled a bit, just enough for Ally to undo the slip tie. As soon as it was free, it ran off. She stood, watching the bushes rustle as it fled. She then returned to the clearing, her reeling mind calming a bit. Ally sat down on the hammock, her hands flickering. Resting her head on the vines, she tried to fall asleep, even of it wasn't night quite yet. Her eyes closed slowly. She began to drift to sleep when a loud crack sounded. Ally jerked up, looking around. Rustles followed the crack, then quieted. She got up, eyes narrowed. Another rustle; she leapt to where it came from. She parted the bushes, scanning the shrubbery. Nothing. 

More sounds came from further away. She broke into a run, unwilling to let it get away. She saw a dark figure, and jumped for it, yelling. They toppled to the grass, rolling over one another. They wrestled a little while, but eventually Ally was on top of it. Their stomach to the ground, she pinned it down, untying her hair. She grabbed their hands, tying them behind their back. It grunted, then gagged. She flipped its hood off, not entirely surprised to see fluffy black hair. She quickly tossed as much of her disguise into the bushes, then tried to rub at her eyelids and lips. It turned its head to the side, their ear pressed to the grass. A bright blue eye looked at her. At first it was wide, then it scowled at her. 

"Get off," Shadow grunted, spitting out grass. 

"Stop stalking me," she commanded, crossing her arms while still sitting on him. 

He struggled against her, "I wasn't stalking you, I was just passing by."

"Oh, yes. Just passing by, please. What were you really doing?" She eyed him. 

"I wasn't stalking you!" He argued. "I went somewhere else, and I never leap to my home, just some where around it. So people can't track me as easily." 

"Uh huh. Where'd you go?" She asked.

"Privateer," Shadow grunted. 


"Because I needed an ingredient. They didn't have it." 

"What did you need?" She pestered. 

"Vishta powder," he replied. 

"What's that? What does it do? Why did you need it?" 

Shadow sighed. "It's a special powder that is often used in potions. It makes them more powerful or work better. I needed it for an invisibility potion." 

"What di--" 

"Do not ask anymore questions! I needed it in case I'm ever in a tricky situation, and I can't be spotted. Okay? Now get off!" Shadow yelled. When she continued to sit on him, he tried to buck her off. She stayed on. He brought his legs up, kicking her in the back. Surprised, she flew off his back. He easily broke the vines the vines that tied his wrists together, glaring at her. 

"You couldn't have just figured out who I was first? Seriously, I'm not exactly the kind of guy that blends in. And I don't really have the build of the Queen's guards." He bushed off his front, flipped his hood up, and helped her up. 

"Did you just say you're scrawny?" She asked mischievously. 

"What? No! I just . . . There's no correct answer for that, is there?" He turned away. 

Ally laughed. "I'm just kidding! Okay, okay, I'm sorry for calling you scrawny and tying you up." 

"Forget it. Just don't do it again," he muttered, brushing past her. 

"'Kay," she said. "Um, see you tomorrow?" 

Shadow looked back at her, a slight smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Sure," he said. Stepping into the shadows, he vanished in a smoky blur. 

Ally looked away and sighed. Her mind trailing, she pulled her stuff out the bushes. Suddenly she realized she was thinking about how hot he was, and nearly screamed at herself for thinking that. Her face a look of horror and confusion, she stumbled to the clearing. Willing herself into to thinking about important things, she found that she had a hard time keeping her mind from Shadow. What was going on with her? She didn't like boys, she never had and never will. The only reason she was interacting with him was because he could help her. But was there something more to it? She shook herself. No. She'd never, ever like guys in that way. At least for now.  

She looked into the boughs of the trees. A pinkish sky greeted her, the sun slowly setting over the horizon. Ally quickly found places to hide her things, and sat down on the hammock. She nestled into it, thinking. Soon she began to concentrate on making her hands flicker. Making them light up and go out, she began to working on making them flicker faster, making the glow stronger. By the time the sun had gone completely, she could make a bit of light seep away from her hands and into the air. But all too soon her eyes began to close, her consciousness fading. Eventually she was out cold.  

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