Lessons To Be Learnt - Chim

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**not my story orginally from GAM**


Kimberley: A 19 year old girl who was born in to a rich family so high class behavior is essential. She doesn't feel very fancy inside, she'd rather live like a normal teenager but her family forced her to live in a luxury hotel. she goes to college and has top grades. High class friends make it impossible to tell lame jokes or go to regular hang-out places for people her age. She is well-raised and obeys her parents.

Cheryl: She has never seen the outside world. She has been living in a bomb-shelter from age 4 after her mother was afraid of a war. She has never known her father. She knows nothing about friends or how to behave in front of public. She's a bit of a dumb dumb and doesn't even know what a phone is. No connection to the outside world has left her without knowledge of anything. she is now 18

Now what would happen if those two met?

Chapter One

When Cheryl's mother returned from her weekly trip to the shop, Cheryl saw something in the paper bag that was new to 

her. usually her mother would pour all the liquids in to see-trough glass bottles and she put the food in little aluminum 

containers so they would look like something that were used more than half a century ago. But this time, her mother 

forgot to pour a juice in to the bottle and Cheryl always grabbed the paper bag away from her mother as soon as she 

stepped in the door. " Mommy, what is this?" Asked Cheryl who had a fancy juice carton in her hand. " Oh, Cheryl." Said 

her mother in shock as she noticed her error. " What year is it?" Asked Cheryl, seeing if her mother was lying. " It's 1825." 

Said her mother naturally. Cheryl nodded her head in disbelief. " It's 2009. And by the looks of it, it seems like no war is 

out there right now, is there?" Cheryl asked, waiting for an answer. Cheryl's mother lowered her head. " I just wanted to 

protect you." Her mother said as she looked at Cheryl with tears in her eyes. " By keeping me away from civilization? By 

allowing me no freedom nor friends?" Cheryl shouted as she could not believe what her mother had just told her. " I'm so 

sorry." Her mother said. " Sorry? You kept me here for whole of my life and you're sorry? Why were you afraid of a war 

anyway? Many people survive wars." Cheryl screamed. " Because I lost you father in a war." Her mother screamed back. " 

Why did you never tell me anything?" Asked Cheryl as she lowered her voice. " Because you were the only thing I had left 

and I didn't want to lose you." Her mother replied, fully in tears. " I'm would have been fine." Cheryl quietly said, putting 

her hand on her mother's shoulder as she understood her mother's concern. " What's it like?" Asked Cheryl after a few 

minutes silence. " I think it's time you found out for yourself." Her mother replied.

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