Chapter 2 - 3

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Chapter Two

" Are you sure you want to do this? I mean we can wait for another eight years." Cheryl's mother told her as she was set 

to go. " No mom, I've missed out on too much already." Cheryl replied. " You're right. Here's some money." Her mother said 

as she handed her a bundle of cash. " i go." Said Cheryl as she took a deep breath and climbed up the ladder 

that led her outside. She waved her mother goodbye and turned around to face the world. 

After her first seconds of being outside, she was ready run back in to the safe hands of her mother, because it was a 

scary place for her. " I can do this." She confirmed herself as her knees trembled when she looked at the tall buildings all 

around her. " no I can't, no I can't." She screamed as she saw bright lights coming towards her with extreme speed. Cheryl 

started running around like a headless chicken, she had no idea what the black metal thing, that had just nearly ran her 

over, was. She thanked herself for jumping out of the way at the last moment. sitting on the ground, still breathless from 

her acrobatic show, Cheryl seriously doubted if she should just run back and live the life she used to live before. Just as 

she thought she had made her decision, someone reached her a helping hand. " Don't hit me." Screamed Cheryl as she was 

unsure of the strangers' intention. " Sorry, I was just trying to help you up." A soft voice replied. Cheryl stared at the 

figure in the darkness. All she could see was a womanly figure, she couldn't see any details, just a shadow. " Can I help 

you up?" The voice asked again as the owner slowly reached out her hand again. With doubt, Cheryl gently grabbed the 

hand and pulled herself up. " You're welcome." Said Cheryl. " Sorry?" The black figure asked as she didn't quite understand 

what Cheryl had meant. " You're welcome for your help." Cheryl smartly replied. " I think you mean 'thank you'?" The voice 

said with a bit amused tone. " You're welcome." Cheryl impatiently replied, thinking why she had to repeat herself. " No no 

no no, you have to say 'thank you', that's how you express your gratitude." The lady said again, nearly laughing. " God 

damn it, I always get them mixed up. Thank you." Cheryl said with plenty of hand gestures to go with her words. " You're 

welcome." The voice replied, amused again as she walked off. Cheryl didn't know where to go or what to do, so she 

followed the very helpful lady. she hid herself very carefully, so she wouldn't be seen. She saw the woman enter a huge 

fancy building. She didn't move any closer, she sat on the first bench she could find and stared at the building, hoping the 

lady would come out again soon. She felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier, until she couldn't keep them open 


In a few hours she could hear someone talking by herself. She was close. Cheryl could feel it but she didn't bother to open 

her eyes. But she was forced to do it when someone touched her. " It's you." Said a very familiar voice. Chezza slowly 

opened her eyes but she didn't answer. " What are you doing here?" The voice asked again. Cheryl still didn't answer. " Oh 

my god, you're freezing." The voice spoke for the third time as Cheryl felt a warm hand on her cheek. " Come on." She said 

as she helped Cheryl up and walked towards the building with her.

Chapter Three

Cheryl was lead in to the elevator. As soon as the door closed, Cheryl freaked out. " Let me out, let me out." She 

screamed, kicking the elevator walls. An old lady who was in the elevator with them was quite scared. The stranger who 

had helped Cheryl, smiled dumbly at the old lady. " She's practicing for her role in a drama play." The girl whispered to the 

old lady. " Come on, time to go." The girl said again as the elevator reached their floor and she pushed Cheryl out. " What 

were you doing?" She asked as she whispered hectically, so she wouldn't disturb other guests at the hotel. " You could 

have warned me." Shouted Cheryl loudly. " Shh, don't scream. Have you never been in an elevator?" The girl asked again 

as she dragged Cheryl towards her room. " No, I've been living underground." Cheryl replied sincerely. " This is no time for 

jokes." The girl told Cheryl off. " I wasn't joking." Cheryl replied. " Our senses of humor do not match." The girl seriously 

said as she opened the room door and led Cheryl in. Only now, they could see each other properly. ' Blimey, she's looking 

funny' Thought both of the girls in their minds. The stranger was wearing sophisticated clothes whereas Cheryl was in dirty 

drags, which she had grown out of. Both of the girls looked funny to each other, because they could not understand why 

someone would dress like that. The girl picked up the phone and dialed a number. " Go take a shower, I'll lend you some of 

my clothes." She said to Cheryl before placing the phone by her ear. " Where's your bucket?" Shouted Cheryl from the 

bathroom. " What?" The girl wondered by herself as she put her phone down and went to see what the funny looking girl 

was doing in her bathroom. " Where's your bucket?" Cheryl asked again as the girl entered the bathroom. " What do you 

need a bucket for?" She asked. " To wash myself, like duh." Cheryl replied, thinking that she was the smart one. Kim ran 

the bath water and added all kinds of oils in it. " This is where you get cleaned up." The girl said, pointing to the bath. " 

You people on the outside are weird." Cheryl wondered to herself as she jumped in the bath. " N-n-n-n-no, you can't just 

jump in the bath. You gently step in there so you don't flood the whole frigging bathroom." The girl said on a bit louder 

tone. " Sorry." Said Cheryl without any sarcasm. " Okay, so I'll leave you to it and let me know if you need anything." The 

girl said as she turned around and walked away. " What's your name?" Shouted the girl as she already had closed the door. 

" My what?" Screamed Cheryl back. " Name." The girl repeated. " What's that?" Cheryl asked curiously. " You don't know 

what a name is?" The girl asked in shock as she opened the door and stared with her mouth wide open. " No." Cheryl said 

as she wondered what she had said wrong. " Are you joking?" Asked the girl seriously. " I am not." Chez replied. " like my 

name is Kimberley. And yours is...?" The girl said, waiting for an answer. " i don't know." Cheryl replied. " What do people 

call you when they want to speak to you?" Asked Kimberley. " My mother always calls me 'honey' or 'baby' when she 

speaks to me." Cheryl smartly replied. " What do everyone else call you? I can't call you 'baby'." Kim said. " I've never met 

anyone else but my mother. oh oh oh, I know, I know, she calls me 'Cheryl' when I've done something bad." Chez smartly 

replied with a smile. " Okay, Cheryl....What do you mean by you haven't met anyone else?" Kimberley asked with worry. " 

I've lived with my mother my whole life. Underground, like i told you." Cheryl replied. " Are you being serious?" Asked Kim as 

she looked at Cheryl's head from every possible angle. " Yes and what are you doing?" Cheryl asked as she stood perfectly 

still. " Have you been in an accident lately? Any falling or bangs to the head?" Kimberley asked as she still didn't leave the 

girl alone. " No, I'm fine. Why do you ask these things?" Cheryl said loudly. " I'm just wondering if you have memory loss or 

something else that makes you sound crazy." Kim said. " And how would you know if there's something wrong with me?" 

Cheryl asked. " I just would." Kim shortly replied as she kept looking for any physical signs of recent injuries.

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