Chapter Fourteen

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When they arrived back at camp, Angel went her separate way to go find Bear. Noah just slowly made his way to his tent, not even saying hello to his family as they greeted him.

"What's wrong with him?" Matt grumbled to his wife.

"Something must've happened," Lorelei replied. "I'm going to go talk to him."

She got up from the log she was sitting on, holding her back to support her belly weight. She wobbled into Noah's tent after knocking to let him know she was coming in.

"Knock knock," she called out as she pushed the door aside.

"Come in," Noah grumbled.

She approached the work bench where Noah was bent over, his crazy pair of glasses placed on his head. He was working on something that Lorelei could not identify. He didn't even look up to acknowledge her, which wasn't like him.

"What're you working on?" she asked, trying to ease herself into the conversation.

"The circuit for the bear alarm," is all he said.

"Ooo, are you finally going to get it up and going?" she wondered.


Lorelei sighed. She clearly wasn't getting anywhere with him. He was in a mood. Looks like she would just have to be forward with him.

"Noah, what's going on?" she finally questioned.

For the first time since she entered the tent, he looked up at her.

"What makes you think there's something going on?" he asked.

"Because I know you, Noah. You didn't even say hello to us when you came back into camp. What happened while you guys were on your hike? Was it even a hike at all?" she threw questions at him.

"Yes, it was a hike. And even if it wasn't, it's none of your business," he sassed. "And yes, maybe something did happen. Maybe I made a bad decision that for some strange reason, I don't regret."

"Oh, Noah...what did you do?" she asked, sitting down in his chair and looking up at him.

He sighed and took off his glasses, rubbing his hands over his face. He placed his hands on the work bench and leaned over, looking down at it.

"I kissed Angelina..."


"Shhh!" he scolded, fighting his urge to slap a hand over her mouth.

"Sorry," she giggled. "But you really kissed her?"

"Yes, I kissed her. Things were emotional and it just...happened! And now she's not talking to me."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because she ran off the minute it happened. And last night Bear asked her to be his girlfriend and he kissed her."

Lorelei was speechless. "Oh...did you talk to Bear about this?"

"I didn't tell him I kissed her, but he does know that I'm interested. And he's agreed to let me have some time with her so she can determine who she wants. But the thing is Lorelei...I can't wait. I'm in love with the girl. She's the one and I know it in my heart that we're meant to be. She's that soul mate that I've been searching for, that I've been telling everyone about."

Lorelei couldn't help but smile. She stood up and wrapped her brother-in-law in a hug. He groaned at first, not liking the hug, but then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back.

"Noah, if you think she's the one, you need to tell both her and Bear. You can't just let her pass by. And if you don't tell her and she ends up dating Bear, that would kill you. You don't want to see your soul mate with someone else," she told him.

"It's not that easy, Lorelei," he mumbled.

"It needs to be that easy."

He sighed. "Ok."


"Yes, ok. I'll talk to Bear and Angelina."

"Well what're you waiting for? Go boy! GO!" she yelled, practically pushing him out of the tent.

Noah reluctantly walked across camp to where Bear was building his new tree house. He found Angelina sitting up on the platform with Bear as he nailed up a new board.

"Bear...Angelina," he called up to them. They looked down at him without a word. "I need to talk to you."


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