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Con's POV...... Six years later....

"Cassie, you need to hurry up." I yelled as I walked out of the apartment with another box.

"I'm tired." She whined.

"Then I guess you will be to tired to have that unpacking sleep over with Sara and Sage." I yelled.

"Your so mean." Dam said coming in the building.

"I'm tired too. Cooper and Cash were up half the night plus that stupid dog of Bailey's barked all night because of the full moon. I swear I wanted to give it the tylenol instead of the twins." I said following him back into the apartment.

"Well I'm off for the next two weeks. I will help you get through the teething and unpack all our stuff." He said as we both picked up an end of our couch.

"Dam, Con's being mean." Cassie said coming out with her lamp.

"Toughen up buttercup." Dam said with a smirk.

"You guys are so mean. I want to move back with momma O and daddy N." she said. When she said shit like that it pissed me off and she knew it.

"Cassandra, I don't want to hear that shit again. Now get your shit out of that room and into that truck. No more whining, no more talking back or being a brat." I said making my voice firm but letting her know I love her.

"I'm sorry." She said before heading back in for more stuff.

"I love you." Dam said smiling at me as we placed the couch in the moving truck.

We finished loading the truck an did a quick clean up before leaving the keys with Bailey. We had bought a six bedroom house about four blocks from mom and dad Scott. Our twins were almost six months old and we adopted them right at birth. Cassie lives with us full time now and is starting those terrible teenage years. Dam is a lawyer at his dads firm and I'm an art teacher at our old high school. Dam flew throw school and I took my time.

"Babe mom called she's going to bring the boys to the new house." Dam said before getting behind the wheel of the U Haul.

"I'm riding with Dam." Cassie yelled as she climbed in the passenger side.

"I'll pick up the pizza and drinks an meet you at home.'' I said with a huge smile on my face. I loved the new house. It has never been lived in and it's like it was built right out of my dreams.

"Okay, love you, drive safe." Dam said before taking off.

Love you and you too." I yelled before running to my mini van and taking off. I was going to take my time. Maybe by time I got there most of the stuff would be unloaded.

Last year for our five year anniversary Dam and I got married. I legally changed mine and Cassie's name to Scott a long time ago so it's not like much had changed. People thought we were already married. But now we can honestly say "yep were married" and I love telling people.

"Pizza for Scott." I said as I made my way to the counter.

"Hey Mr. Scott hoed your summer going?" Todd one of my students asked.

"Good how about you?" I asked.

"Working." He said handing me six pizzas.

"Don't work to hard." I said before heading out.

I made one more stop for drinks before making my way to my new home with my living husband my two handsome sons and my beautiful sister.

My dad got out of jail last year and moved to Florida. He kept the promise he made me when I went to his parole hearing. I made him promise to stay as far away from Cassie and I for good. Cameron is still locked up and he had made progress with the classes and therapy. I write to him on his birthday. I had him make the same promise that I did our dad in exchange for going to his parole hearing in five years.

"What took so long?" Dam asked as I parked the van in the garage.

"I had to get the food." I said handing him the pizza while I grabbed the bag of ice and the case of coke.

"Thank you baby. I'm starving." He said as I followed him in to the kitchen.

"Is the truck unloaded?" I asked as Nic and Nolan walked in the kitchen.

"Almost." Nic said with a mouthful.

"Cool I will help when we are done eating." I said.

"I know you will." Nic said making us all laugh.

"Con, Sara and Sage are here we will be in my room." Cassie said grabbing the cheese pizza.

"Is all of your stuff out of the truck and van?" I asked.

"We are taking the last of it up now." She said.

"Okay, remember you guys are to be unpacking." I said.

"We know." The said before heading up to her room.

"You know they will be goofing around more then anything, right?" Nolan asked.

"I know but that will be her lose. Because tomorrow while I'm in the pool she will be unpacking." I sang.

"So mean." Olivia said coming in with my babies.

"There are my babies." I said.

"Shhh, they are sleeping." She said pushing their stroller into the living room.

"Lets finish." Dam said.

For the next hour or so we unloaded an unpacked. Thankfully I had been working on this house for a week now and most of our stuff was here. Cassie refused to move any I get things until today but I moved everything except what we needed all week.

Everyone left and the twins were asleep. Cassie and her friends were watching a movie in her room and Dam and I fell into bed exhausted.

"This has been the best six years of my life." I said.

"Same here babe." He said pulling me up on his chest more.

"Next year we an start looking for someone to carry our baby." He said.

"You sure you want me to go first?" I asked.

"I'm positive." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I want twin girls. Candice and Carrie." I said.

"Are we doing the whole C naming thing also?" He asked.

"Nope, I want a Dam Jr and maybe Dana and Dallas for girls will split it." I said I could feel his smile.

"Then I want a Con Jr." He said.

"We could do that but we are going to need a bigger house." I said.

"As long as I'm with you and our kids I don't care where we live." He said.

"Well with Nic living next door we could always build on and uses his land." I said laughing.

"He would love that I'm sure." He said chuckling.

"We will figure it out." I said.

"I know we will. Now go to sleep we have a lot to do and the twins will be waking up soon." He said yawning.

"Good night, love." I said.

"Good night, babe." He said.

The end.

I know it sucked and took me forever but it's done. I have decided to finish the next one before I even upload anything. I'm sorry it took forever. Thank you to all of you who stuck with me.

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