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Ailesia Gemena, no one really knew her that well. She wasn't nerdy or weird or shy. She just didn't talk that much, didn't really make friends or make an effort to get to know people. She was there, but at the same time it seemed as if she was far away. She just lived life floating on the surface, never rising up above, never sinking down low.

Ailesia has been the mystery of the school since she arrived two months ago. No one knew about her past. Not that she would ever let them know.

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Luke Hunter was undeniably intrigued by Ailesia from the moment she first stepped into his life. With her dark black hair and startling, ice-blue eyes he couldn't keep his eyes off of her for two very different reasons. The first, you would be able to guess by yourself. The second, there was an air of unsolved mystery about her that he wanted to investigate. The cold, broken, untrusting look in her eyes that at times showed a repressed fire made him want to find out so much more about her.

The only thing though, that he knew about her, was that she was now living with him. His parents had told him that they were fostering a young girl, but he had never expected this. This girl that seemed so quiet and sad, could at times be transformed into a completely different person. Into one that is fiery and challenging, sarcastic, teasingly sexy and completely stubborn. Into the girl that she would've been if not for whatever she is hiding from her past.

Luke is now completely determined to find out exactly what happened to her.

To find out the mystery that is Ailesia Gemena.

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