1. The Arrival

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Chapter 1 - The Arrival

I was unbelievably nervous as I was led up the many stairs to this large house. It was beautiful, practically a small mansion, with lush green grass, beautiful gardens and many trees surrounding the property. I felt like I might possibly like it here, but I had learnt long ago to never judge a book by its cover.

I pushed my long dark hair behind my ear as I bit on my lip, playing with the sleeves of my jacket like I always did when I was nervous and waited for my foster care worker Patrice to ring the doorbell.

"Are you ready Ailesia?" Patrice asked, hand hovering over the bell. I nodded biting my lip more, making it bleed. "I know this is hard for you," she consoled, "but I promise, you'll love these people. I made sure to find out practically everything about them, and they truly are good people. I'm sure you'll settle in well with them."

She made a similar speach almost every time, but this time she seemed so sure of herself. Nodding my head to her and adjusting my bag on my shoulder, she wasted no time in pressing the button. I truly hoped that she was right this time. I was getting more and more nervous by the second, and by the time someone finally opened the door I practically had my sleeves knotted and wrinkled to the point of no return.

I took a quick glance at the woman who opened the door. She was quite beautiful with brown wavy hair and green eyes. She smiled when she saw me, and I instantly loved that smile. It was warm and cheerful and motherly. "Mrs. Hunter, this is Ailesia." Patrice introduced. Mrs. Hunter held out her hand for me to shake. When I didn't move she dropped her hand and just continued on, only slightly fased. "It's so nice to finally meet you Ailesia. You can just call me Alice if you want, come on in."

She opened the door wider and motioned for us to follow her. I walked inside, looking around me. The house was just as beautiful on the inside, but not overly extravagent. It was spacious and had that homey feeling about it. For once, I felt like this place might actually feel like home for me and not just a house with lots of strangers in it.

"Hi!" I hear a little voice giggle cheerfully. I look down at a young girl no older than 7 in front of me. She is quite pretty with curly brown hair and hazel eyes.

"My name's Emily, I'm six years old!" she tells me, holding up six of her little fingers.

"Hi Emily, my name's Ailesia." I tell her amused at her cuteness.

"Are you going to be my new big sister? Coz I already have a brother, his name's Luke, but I don't have any sisters." She looks up at me with almost pleading eyes as she questions me.

"Well, I suppose I will be Ems." I say smiling at her. She was just so cute I really couldn't resist talking to her. Usually I hardly talk to anyone, but I had a feeling that Emily was not just going to be anyone. A small knot of hurt started in my stomach, 'that is until they get sick of me and kick me out,' I thought.

"Ailesia, I'll show you where your room is now if you'd like. My husband is at work, and my son is out with friends so you'll have to meet them later." Alice tells me as she starts walking towards a set of stairs. Shifting my backpack on my shoulder, I nod my head in response to her question and follow her up the stairs.

She leads me to a fairly large room at the end of the long hall. It's a nice serene blue with all the essentials in it. Upon further inspection I realised that there are two doors, which I guessed lead to a walk in closet and bathroom.

Patrice walked over to me, "I suppose I'll go now and let you settle in. I really hope you like this family Ailesia, any problems just call me okay?" She smiled at me before walking out of my new room. She looked like she wanted to hug me, but she knew better than that. She knew that I didn't like being touched, just as she knew I probably wouldn't answer her question.

Alice smiled at me and walked out behind Patrice. I looked around before flopping down on my new bed, staring up at the ceiling and wondering just how long it would take for them to get sick of me and kick me out. Alice seemed like a nice person, but I knew from experience that people are very good actors and that could change in a split second. I realised then that I haven't even met the husband or son. Who knows what they could be like? Was the boy young or older? Was he my age?

I drifted off to sleep not long later, thinking about what this boy could be like, whether he would be nice or a complete jerk.

All I could do though, was hope for the best.

---- A/N ----^o^----

Hey guys!!! (If there are any people reading this).

SO this is my first book on my beloved watty pad, although I have been reading other peoples books on here for a while now.

Anyway I just really hope you guys like it, or dont like it whatever. I don't really care but please!!!.... feedback is always welcome so comment or whatever and tell me what you think so far. I will try to update as much as possible but I have a very busy life so dont slaughter me or something if I take a while.

--Just on disclaimers--

This book is purely fictional, and if there are any similarities to anyone alive or dead then it was not planned.

If my book is similar to another then I'm sorry but I did put my own brainpower and thought into this so I'm not trying to scam anyone or steal their idea or whatever.

But mostly if I accidentally offend anyone in any way without realising, then please tell me coz nothing is worse then people blaming me for something I dont know about. Although please make sure it is a legit complaint and youre not just being picky and mean because I do have feelings too.... and I dont want negative comments thrown at me.


Anyways! happy reading! sorry about the long A/N but I just wanted to get the disclaimer out of the road.

Love you all!

-Sarah :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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