Gently nipping a cat's spine or poking it with a claw can test to see if the backbone is broken. You may have to do it multiple times before you can find where the break is located. If the patient does not feel the nip or poke, then the spine is broken.
Licking a cat's fur can clean wounds, calm cats in shock, or to warm up a cat that is very cold. The last method is often done on kits that were just born. (You MUST lick the fur the wrong way in order to warm a cat up)
Soaking moss in water and bring it to a sick cat can allow them to get water without having to move. (This is great if you have a cat with an injured leg) This can also cool a cat with fever.
Rosemary or mint can lighten the scent of death before a cat's burial.
Using nectar, honey, or mouse blood can make bitter herbs more appealing, making it easier for the patient and you.
Holding a sore pad in cold water can help soothe the pain.
A cat with weak or hurting muscles/bones can take part in water therapy. Have the patient wade in shallow water for a while and eventually they will get strong again.
Having a sick cat yowl can help clear their lungs from mucus. It can also keep it clear too.
Warrior Cats Handbook - Medicine Cat Herbs, Treatments, and Other
FanfictionFor all those new medicine cats! Here is your guide to nearly everything!!! Enjoy!