Make sure to follow these instructions if any of the following cases happens.
Case: It had rained hard last night and you went to your herb store and found all your dock leaves soaking wet. What do you do?
What to do: Take the wet herb and set it out in the sun to dry. Then take it and put it in a place where it will not get wet again.
Case: You need watermint for an elder's stomach ache but you don't have any. What do you do?
What to do: Gather more of the herb you need and make sure to check your stores often to see if you are running low. This will prevent you from getting caught off guard.
Case: You need raspberry leaves for a queen that is going to kit soon. You go and check your supply and you have none, so you go out and find the raspberry bush stripped clean of it's leaves. What do you do?
What to do: Go immediately to your mentor(if your an apprentice) and ask if they know any other places to find that herb. If you are a full medicine cat, go on scouting for another patch/bush of that herb. Then, make sure not to take all of the herb. This will ensure there is still enough for the plant to grow more.
Warrior Cats Handbook - Medicine Cat Herbs, Treatments, and Other
FanfictionFor all those new medicine cats! Here is your guide to nearly everything!!! Enjoy!