I N T E R M I S S I O N~ c h a l l e n g e : t a g g e d

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 ALOHA!  This is not a chapter, this a challenge I was tagged, by TyeDyeRainbow, to do!  For those who were expecting a chapter you will get one soon!  I have spring break in three days, and so hopefully I'll post a chapter then! Okay now to the challenge:

R U L E S :

1. You have one week to complete this challenge

2. You have to post 10 facts about yourself.

3. You must answer the 13 questions given to you.

4. You must invent 13 new questions.

5. You must answer the questions you invented as well.

6. You must tag 15 people.

7. You must post all the rules.

8. You cannot say you down to tags.

1 0  F A C T S  A B O U T  M E :

1. I share a room with my  younger sister.

2. I am a hardcore procrastinator.

3. I'm allergic to hazelnuts.

4.  I tan, but the rest of my family burns.

5. I'm a hardcore gum-chewer.  I literally always have a pack of gum with me, I buy it in bulk.  In fact, last year on the cleaning out lockers day, when my gum box came out, my teacher started calling me gumball.

6.  I am an insomniac and it's very rare I ever get any sleep, but it helps because my best friend lives in a different timezone, so I can talk to her whenever I can't sleep.

7. It is right now Friday, April 1st, 3:22 AM in my time.

8. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, but I always end up trying the flavors of the month.

9. I play the piano, but I can only play in front of 3 people without freaking out and messing up.  

10.  Gordon Ramsey is B.A.E. 

1 3  Q U E S T I O N S  G I V E N  T O  M E :

1. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?

According to Buzzfeed, extrovert.

2. What's your favorite day of the week and why?

Friday because it's the start of the weekend and the end of school.

3. Hair up or Hair down?

Hair down.

4. What's your favorite article of clothing?

Hoodies and underwear.

5. What's the last song you listened to?

Well I'm currently listening to Waiting for Love by Avicii.

6. What was the first book you read on Wattpad?

His Revenge by @neon_chocolates.

8. If you could use 5 adjectives to describe yourself, what would they be?

Loud, Annoying, Proud, Intimidating, Trusting

9. What was the last thing you ate?

Dark Chocolate Kit Kat a few seconds ago

10. What's your favorite word?

Fuck xP

11. How many pillows do you have on your bed?

Currently 2

12. Would you rather eat poop-flavored chocolate or chocolate-flavored poop?

Poop flavored chocolate...

13. What was the last non-Wattpad book you read and what is the the non Wattpad book you are currently reading?

Ironically the last non-Wattpad book I read was also Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, if I had to choose a favorite book, this would be it.  I'm secretly actually married to Patch Cipriano and Scott Parnell.  The non-Wattpad book I'm currently reading is Twilight.

M Y  1 3  Q U E S T I O N S  T O  A N S W E R :

1. Books or movies?

Books all the way bruv.

2. What's the last movie you watched?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

3. Are you a vanilla person or chocolate?


4. If you had to describe 50 Shades of Grey in 1 word what would it be?


5.  What's your favorite quote?

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." ~ Albus Dumbledore

6. What's your favorite song lyric and why?

Right now it's, "An ache in your soul it's everybody's goal to to get what they can't have." ~ Arctic Monkeys, 'No Buses'

7. Who's you favorite YouTuber?

Uhhhhh, NigaHiga probs.

8.  What country do you consider to be your home?


9.  What's your lucky number?

2 and 3

10. What's your zodiac sign?


11.  Who was your first ship?


12. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?

Uhuhdjcshvbfoher I can't choose, both, PJO no HP no PJO IDK I LOVE THEM ALL!

13. Favorite TV show?

There's a lot, House, Masterchef, Modern Family, Once Upon a Time, but I'm a SuperWhoLockian till the day I die. 

M Y  1 5  T A G G E D :
















Yass so do it peoples, Nike!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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