Chapter 5- Stories (Unedited)

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Lowe jumped backwards into Avairy, and they both fell to the floor. The face started laughing. Lowe sat up quickly. He knew that laugh.

" Cristian!"

Cristian was still laughing. Lowe could feel the anger building up inside him. He liked playing pranks, but not being the victim of them. He was about to shout at him, when he noticed something.

" Avairy? Where are you?" For some reason this made Cristian laugh even more.

" You're sitting on her, man!"

Lowe jumped to his feet and looked behind him. Avairy was there. He helped her up. She smiled at him. Confident that she was fine, he turned his attention back to Cristian. Cristian had calmed down now. Once again, he was interrupted. This time by the door opening behind him. He turned to see who was there.

Pauly walked in. She was followed by a small, chubby man in a lab coat, with heavy rimmed glasses. His greasy black hair ( obviously not been washed for years,) stuck to his scalp tightly. Lowe felt a little sick just looking at him. Pauly stopped in front of Lowe, and the man wandered over to the glass mirror with Cristian's face behind it. The man seemed mad.

" Investigator McIan, may I remind you that the equipment is not here for scaring young boys and their girlfriends..."

" Girlfriend?" Lowe glanced at Avairy. Her face had turned pink and she stared at the floor. The short man turned at raised an eyebrow at them.

" Not boyfriend and girlfriend? Hmm. When Investigator Pauly informed me you were friends I just assumed you were a couple. My apologies."

Lowe scratched his head. For a moment, he wondered if everyone thought that when they saw them together. He quickly shrugged the thought off. Pauly must have sensed how uncomfortable the pair felt now and, thankfully, changed the subject.

" Lowe, Avairy this is Dr. Adams. He's Branch 3's lead researcher and phsycologist."

" Cool." Dr. Adams raised his eyebrows again.

" Cool, indeed. Now Ma'am if you don't mind could you explain to them, and we can get started. We cannot leave our guests waiting too long." Pauly nodded in response.

" Ok you two, baisicly we have two neighbours who live near our 'haunted house' . I'll interveiw the first one, and decide between you who will do the second. The rest of us will stand behind the two way mirror and listen. Got it? Any questions? What is it Lowe?"

" So this room is like an..."

" Interagation room? Yes."

Pauly sat down in one of the chairs. She pulled out a notepad and a pen from her bag. Lowe wanted to ask another question, but Dr. Adams hurried the two of them out before he could. He led them into the door next to the one they had just came out of. Inside, Lowe found Cristian standing looking through the mirror at Pauly. Dr. Adams walked over and switched off the light that made the mirror turn to glass.

" Investigator McIan, if you would go and retrieve our first witness."

Pauly waited patiently in the mirrored room. She didn't have to wait long. The door opened and a woman walked in. The woman looked young, Pauly doubted she was much older than herself. The woman took the seat across from her.

" Hello." She had a high pitched voice.

" Hi. I'm Paranormal Investigator..."

" Michelle Pauly. You're very well known in the neighbourhood."

" Right. Can I ask your name?"

" Abby. Abby Kesington." Pauly opened the notebook in her hand and got ready to note down anything important Abby said. She started asking her questions.

" So, Miss Kesington, you live two houses down from Penforth House, right?"

" Yes."

" Have you ever seen or heard anything from the direction of the house?"

Abby paused and fell into deep thought. After a minute, she shook her head.

" How about any suspicious people hanging around?" Again she shook her head. Pauly sighed.

" Anything else you can tell me?" Another pause. This time though, she nodded.

" I don't know if it helps, but I noticed that every family that moved in while I was there, had to go buy food and drink every two days. I thought that was a bit funny." It was obvious Abby knew little about anything. Again Pauly sighed.

" OK Abby, you can go. Thanks for talking to us." Abby stood up. Pauly stayed in her seat. Abby thanked her and dissapeared out the door. Once she was certain she was gone, Pauly turned to the mirrors and shook her head.

Lowe hadn't paid any attention for the last half of Abby's interview. He'd got bored when he realised she knew nothing. He had just stared at the wall for the rest of it. But he jumped when Avairy put her hand on his arm.

" Sorry. Listen, Lowe. I don't want to do the interveiw. Are you alright to do it?"

" Yeah sure. Why don't you want to do it?" Avairy was about to answer when Pauly interrupted them.

" Hey. Which one of you is doing the next interview?"

" Me."

" Right. Lowe just go through the same questions I did and we should hopefully get something this time." She quickly pushed him out and into the interview room. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the mirror. He started fixing his hair. Smiling to check his teeth. Suddenly the mirror turned see through. He forgot that it was the left mirror that was two way. Pauly was looking at him, her hand still on the light switch. She spoke very sarcastically.

" You look lovely Einstein, now sit down!" Lowe quickly sat in the chair facing the door. Pauly smiled, pleased with herself, and switched off the light. The mirror turned back to a mirror. After a minute, the door opened. A man walked in and took the seat opposite Lowe. The guy looked tough. He was huge, all muscle, his head was shaved to dark stubble. He eyed Lowe, raising his right eyebrow. He also seemed to have a permanent crease in his forehead.

" By Golly, they sure are hirin' young these days!" He spoke with a booming voice.

" Hey I'm old enough to work!"

" Yeah? What university did you study at?"

"'s not the point!"

" Thought so."

" Look can we just get started? Right...what's your name?"

" Rich Harrisy. What about you, lad?"

" No, I'm Lowe. Now Rich, according to this paper, you live directly across from the place?"

" I do."

" Anything weird ever happen there?"

" Oh yes, plenty weird stuff in Penforth." Lowe felt a jolt of hope.

" What kind of stuff?"

" Well, there is the time that I pointed out that the attic window had been boarded up for years to the last owner. They told me they didn't even know there was an attic in the first place. Said they'd take the boards down and the next day, they were dead."

" Anything else?"

" Yeah. One more thing. Now I know this probly won't be too useful, but every time I walk past that house, I can't help but feel like there's someone, or something, watching me." Lowe was happy with the information he'd got. He quickly said thanks to Rich and walked with him to the hallway. After making a point of how his hair had once looked like Lowe's ( messy and scruffy,), Rich left.

It took exactly three seconds for the others to come out from the other room.

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