Chapter 7- Eyes (continued) (Unedited)

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Something flew out the closet to attack Lowe. Michelle instinctively reached to her hip, then remembered Paranormal Investigators didn't carry guns. She grabbed the nearby chair instead and was ready to attack when she heard a girl laughing. She saw the small girl inside the wardrobe. Then she looked to see a large brown winter coat lying at Lowe's feet, but she was more intrigued by the expression on his face. He looked shocked and angry, yet happy.

" What...?! What are you doing?!" his voice was scolding her, but he still sounded happy to see her. Michelle put down the chair she was holding. The clunk of the legs touching the floor made Lowe and the girl look at her. She heard people behind her. She turned and saw Cristian and Avairy at the doorway. As soon as the girl saw Avairy, she hopped out the wardrobe and smiled. Avairy smiled back. Now Michelle wanted answers.

" Who are you?" the girl saw Michelle, as if she had just noticed she was there. The girl walked over to her, her deep red auburn hair floated behind her. She extended her hand to Michelle, who took it in a handshake.

" My name is Lil. I'm Lowe and Avairy's friend from the Acadamy." Lil smiled at her. Michelle made no such friendly gesture back. Cristian quickly spoke up to mask this.

" Hi. I'm Cristian and this is..."

" Pauly." Michelle glared at Lowe.

" Cristian, stay here and keep our guest here company. You two..." she pointed between Lowe and Avairy. " I want to talk to you."

They followed her out the attic and down to the first floor hallway. Once there, Pauly turned to face them. She looked mad.

" What is she doing here?!" Avairy watched Lowe shrug his shoulders and she shook her head. Pauly gave an angered groan. A voice on the stairs gave all three of them a fright.

" I'm here to see my best friends! It's really lonely at school without you guys!"

" Lil, we've only been gone two days! And you have Greg don't you?" Avairy questioned. Lil looked away, her normally chirpy voice turned sad.

" Greg's not very happy with me right now..." Avairy wondered what Lil could have done to make Greg mad at her. In all the time she'd known them, Greg and Lil had gotten along great. She wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Pauly.

" How did you get in here?" Lil came down the stairs and stood next to Lowe.

" My uncle's bought this place, and he told me it was being investigated by you guys first. So i came to see the house, the door wasn't locked, and I looked around..."

" And you saw us coming from the attic window, so you hid in the closet to scare Lowe. Right?"

" Actually, i heard a bang from up in the attic as soon as i walked in. I went to investigate, then i saw you guys through the window." Everyone went quiet. Pauly stood shocked at what Lil had just said. Lowe was staring at her by his side, looking ready to shout at her for being so stupid. Avairy herself couldn't believe the Lil had been so naive. There could have been anything, or anyone, in the attic. She knew Lil was a fearless daredevil, but she had hoped she had limits. Lowe started to shout at her, but was interupted by Cristian's calm voice from the stairs behind them.

" Lowe, she's fine isn't she? I think we should be more worried about the bang she heard before we came here." Lowe went to protest, but this time was interrupted by Pauly.

" Cristian's right, Lowe. Whatever she heard could still be here and could be the thing that killed our agents..." Avairy had expected Lil to have a sudden wave of regret. To realise the mistake she had made. She didn't even seem phased by the words. Once again Lowe went to speak, and Avairy interupted him this time.

" We should split up and check the rest of the house." Lowe looked annoyed now. He looked between Pauly, Avairy and Cristian, and saw his chance to finaly talk. But again Pauly's voice cut in front.

" Alright, Cristian and Lowe go downstairs, Avairy and I will stay up here. Lil you better go home where it's safe." Lil crossed her arms and pouted. Lowe let out an agitated moan. Lil giggled at his anger, and Avairy tried to hide her smile. Lil turned to Pauly

" I'm not leaving! The whole point of coming here was to see Avairy and Lowe. So I'll help!" Pauly protested. Honestly, Avairy wasn't too keen on Lil being there, but she was sure Lil would be fine as long as she stayed close to them. Cristian whispered something to Lowe. They both nodded at each other, then Cristian spoke up.

" She can come with me an Lowe. Ok?" Lil let out a squeal of happiness and jumped over to Lowe. Pauly never argued. Cristian whispered something to her, and she sighed.

" Fine. But she's your responsibility now. Come on Avairy, let's check down this hall. Avairy obiediantly followed. She waved to Lil as she went. She felt comfortable knowing Lil was with the two boys. She knew they wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

But she couldn't help but feel that something was watching them.

Cristian was amazed with Lil. He had never known anyone so full of life. Lil jumped and talked as if she was constantly being injected with sugar. A never ending sugar rush. He was exhausted just watching her, and they had only gone down the stairs. At the main hallway, Lil popped up in front of him, her chestnut eyes bright and shining with enthusiasm.

" So where do we go first?" Cristian looked at the first door on his left, then the one on his right. Both doors were identical, with no way of knowing what they hid behind them. He chose the one on his right. He held the handle ready to open it. Lil and Lowe waited next to him. He took in a deep breath, and opened the door wide. They all gasped.

Stairs. Stairs that led down under the house. Cristian could only see about 10 steps down before the staircase turned black. They all peered down, trying to see the bottom. They couldn't. Cristian looked at the two kids, and both nodded back at him. So he led the way downwards. They reached the dark but kept going. Once he was sure they had reached the bottom, he pulled a torch from his belt. Pointing it in front of him, he felt Lil grasp his arm. He had the sudden feeling of being watched. He clicked the on button of the torch. The narrow beam of light filled the area in front of them. But the image it brought with it was enough to make Lowe gag.

Eyes. Green, blue and brown and all the colours in between. When the light came on they all looked at the source. The ones closest squinted at the brightness. They eyes were dotted along the walls in their pairs. They were joined to the blood red wallpaper like they would on a normal human face. It was disturbing on so many levels. Swallowing hard, Cristian started to walk past the eyes, Lil still holding on to him, Lowe following close by. As they walked, the eyes watched. Cristian wondered if Pauly and Avairy were having as much fun as they were.

But upstairs, Avairy and Pauly had ran into a different kind of 'fun'.

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