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41. I think its cute when you know that someone is making an effort to make you smile.

42. Live your everyday of life like its the last day of your life.

43. I may not be good for someone but I’ll be the best for those who deserve me.

44. People only realize what they had after they lose it so hold on what you have and never ever let it go.

45. Always remember, It has to be dark for the stars to appear.

46. In the end you will see who’s fake, who’s true and who would risk it all for you. And trust me, some people will totally surprise you!

47. God does not make mistakes but he does miracles. I am one. You are too.

48. Without love, we feel nothing. Without dreams, we accomplish nothing. Without GOD, we are nothing.

49. I always wonder if someone somewhere is doing the same exact thing as I AM.

50. I may not be perfect but Im always ME.

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