Ch. Four

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Chapter Four

"Exams can kiss my flat..." Mai almost says but I cut her off.

"Don't finish that." I say sternly.

She glares at me from the cash register. While I'm cleaning the tables off with some Lysol.

"And besides, it's only a test." I reason with her.

"Well yeah, but it's off three chapters Andrea.." Mai explains while glaring at her study guide.

"How about you go upstairs? I'll handle the bakery while you study." I tell her while coming up to her.

She looks up at me confused.

"Are you sure? Won't you need my help down here?" She asks me.

I shake my head.

"No I'll be fine. Now shoo." I say while using my hand to shoo her.

"Thank you." She mutters while grabbing her things and walking back up the stairs.

I sighed and looked at the time in the kitchen. 9:30.. And it's too early for her to be studying.

Oh well, she's like me.

We can't afford to fail.


I take a break and sit down in the kitchen of the bakery.

And I look out the window of the kitchen to see my customers on their laptops or just chatting away.

I get my phone out and I look to see a text message from Peter.

Want to go into town together tomorrow? ~Peter

I glare at the message.

Then write a reply.

Can't I'm working remember??

I grin to myself once I hit the send button.

But gasp when I see him typing and I immediately leave our conversation. Because I don't want him to think that I'm not doing anything.

Oh? Well then let me take care of it but I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 in the morning!~Peter

I groan.

Then text.

Fine! Better not embarrass me...

I get an immediate reply.

Trust me, I'm too good looking for you to be embarrassed by~Peter

I raise my eyebrow.

It's cute how he's got an ego. That's not useful for anybody...

"You can take off tomorrow for your little date with Peter." Mai tells me walking into the bakery kitchen.

I scowl at her.

"Why Mai? How did you even know about that anyways?" I ask her crossing my arms over my chest.

She sighs and puts on her apron. With the bakery logo on it.

"Because Peter texted me. He said that you really deserve a break and I agreed and he told me that he'll pick you up tomorrow at ten, then I told him go ahead, she needs it." She tells me while getting the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and putting them on the cooling rack.

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