Ch. Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Once I put my hair in a ponytail with a small braid in it, I grabbed my phone and my car keys and then made my way out of our apartment and to the bakery.

"Hey Andy... wait where are you going with that murderous look on your face?" Mai asks me quickly running over to me.

"Just to pay a visit to my old friend Ian." I tell her nonchalantly.

She just sighs.

"Andrea, I highly doubt that Ian would even be home. Because isn't almost never home?" She asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I guess..." I sighed.

"Remember how you waited at his doorstep for two straight days, only to find a text from him the second day saying he's in Cancun?" She asks me while shaking her head.

"Don't remind me." I groaned while closing my eyes and taking a seat at a table.

Those two days were humiliating to me. It was fifteen months ago but I still can remember like it was me getting that text from Ian this morning.

"Anyways, all I'm saying is that I don't want to have another phone call from the police that you've been caught trespassing." She explains while frowning.

"You won't Mai, that girl back then was just some heart broken easily obsessed girl over a fuck boy. I mean, how cliché is that?" I ask her shaking my head.

Mai sighed.

"I mean, didn't you think that Peter was one a couple of weeks ago?" She asks.

"Yeah, but I guess since we've been hanging out a lot, I'm starting to think that those were just rumors from people who still think they're in high school." I sigh.

Mai laughs and pats my shoulder.

"Just, don't kill Ian. I know that he almost raped you and that he used to hit you a lot, but murder doesn't solve anything." She explains to me like she's my uptight mother or something.

"I'll try." I say giving her a fake smile.

But I'm really crappy with that, and Mai knows it because she's giving me this serious look, it looks like she's thinking but really she's just plain pissed but will leave me alone about it because she wants to see how it will turn out for me in the end.

And knowing me, it won't turn out so good.

Nothing does anyways.

I walk out of the bakery and get in my car.


Once I pull into Ian's neighborhood, I notice that a familiar car is on my tail from the view of my rear view mirror.

"Uh uh..." I mumbled.

But I keep driving until I'm in front of Ian's house, and put my car in park. Then I get out and glare at the stalker car, watching it stop and hearing the sound of it turning off.

"Well hello again.." The voice sneered.

"Why hello again... Ian." I spat with distaste.

And this is the first episode of my favorite show which is called "Return of the psycho ex" starring yours truly.

Stay tuned for what happens next with this train wreck of an ex.

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