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Connor's POV:

Troye and I sit on a large rock in in the middle of the vast park. This is one of my favourite places to come and paint, and I wanted to share it with him. He told me about how he gets his inspiration while writing songs, so I decided to take him to the place I always go to for inspiration; Central Park.
The sunlight is hitting him in just the right way, making him glow as if he were an angel. I couldn't just let this artistic opportunity pass by! I quickly pull out the fresh pad of paper and some paints, scattering them around me.
Troye looks up from his phone, pausing his persistent scrolling. "What are you doing?" he giggles.
"Shush! Artist at work!" I wave my hand towards him to prove my point. He laughs and goes back to whatever he was looking at.
I brush the hair out of my eyes, and position a paint brush full of light blue paint in the centre of the canvas. Through quick glances and loose brush strokes an image starts to take form; first his brilliant blue eyes, followed by his perfect lips... Not that I'm taking a liking to him, but his face is great to draw!
The painting turns out just as I had thought it would, but something's missing. I dip my fingers in some purple paint and splatter it across the paper just to add that extra touch. Troye leans over to look at his portrait, eyes scanning the piece. My heart pounds as I wait for him to say something, but he remains silent. A small smile forms on his lips as he looks up at me. My heart flutters when his eyes reach mine, but I quickly brush the feeling off. I can't possibly fancy someone I just met... Right?
Troye's phone dings, breaking our little moment. The curly haired boy frowns at the message and moves to stand up. Confused, I start packing my things up, placing the fresh painting in between the blank pages of the sketch pad.
"Is something wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"No," he says brushing some loose curls from his eyes. "Just time for me to head over to the arena already."
I frown, knowing my time with the singer had ended.
We begin waking side by side to the nearest entrance to the park, a black van already pulled up and waiting for Troye. A small group of girls recognise him, each taking their own share of photos but none of them approach us.
As we get closer to the van a pair of security guards go to pull him away. Troye dismisses their hasty movements, turning back to me. I put my hand out to shake his but but he surprises me by pulling me into a hug. After an I awkward moment I hug back, breathing in his scent. He smells like a forever 21 and man combined; aka the actual definition of flawless.
"It was nice meeting you, hopefully I'll see you around," he says quietly, as though it was our little secret and for nobody else's ears.
Unfortunately we eventually separate and he gets into the van before it drives off, leaving me on a busy street corner.

The walk back to my flat is peacefully silent. I walk back through the park, past rows of trees and benches, family's enjoying their afternoon and couples holding hands. I stop at a food vendor on my way out to pick up a pretzel for dinner, quickly continuing on my way. The second I leave the park I'm thrown back into the hustle and bustle of standard New York life. Knowing it'll be too expensive to take the subway all the way home, I start walking in the direction of my flat.
After a few blocks I realise Troye's hotel is on my route back. My mind wanders a few moments trying to decide if I should take my next move or leave it be. Throwing any doubt in my mind away I speed walk towards the luxurious hotel. I gaze up at the brilliantly shined windows before getting the courage I need to open the main door and walk in.
The lobby is enormous! A grand chandelier hangs in the centre of the room, fancy lounges resting off to either side, it's marble floors shined to perfection.
I cautiously step towards one of the velvety lounges, slowly sitting on the edge as though I might stain the upholstery.
My bag is laid at my feet before I quickly tear out a blank page in my sketch book. I locate a pencil before scrawling on the face of the paper:

Thanks for today, Troye! Experiencing New York with you was amazing! xoxo Connor

After thinking about it for a moment I last minute write the digits to my phone number in the bottom corner of the paper. Once I'm satisfied with the note I fold it up and re-pack my bag before walking up to the big oak desk.
"Hello, Sir, may I help you?" A nicely dressed man says, eyeing my not so exquisite outfit.
"Um... Yes... Could you please have these delivered to Tro- I mean Mr. Sivan's room?" My hands tremble as I hand over the pieces of paper.
"Of course! I'll make sure he gets it!" The man says, plastering a fake smile on his face but still graciously accepting the papers.
I give him a small nod before awkwardly turning and speed walking out the door and back to my flat.

Troye's POV

My mind isn't focusing as I drive to tonight's venue. I can't stop thinking about him. He was such an interesting character, different, but definitely interesting.
"Troye, it's time to go," my manager, Miranda says from beside me. I look over and see her usual makeup caked face staring back at me. Quickly rolling my eyes I step outside, brushing off the shoulders of my jacket.
Fans scream as I walk past the barricade but my mind is too far off to be bothered with pictures today. Instead I go straight inside and find my way backstage.
My crew had everything set up from a few nights ago, so all I had to do was find my ear pieces and microphone and get ready for soundcheck.

Hair, makeup, and a private soundcheck session fly by and soon I'm waiting to go out on stage.
The lights dim but my mind doesn't process what's going on.
"Troye, mate, you alright?" One of the crew members asks me. I think his name is Matt, but there's so many people I can hardly keep track of them!
I nod my head slowly, not wanting to admit I've been distracted thinking about the street artist.
I take a big gulp of my water in an attempt to get myself together before bursting out onto the stage.
I unintentionally rush through my setlist, just trying to distract myself from everything that's happened today. Not that today was bad, because it was the opposite of bad; it was really really good! Ugh, why are feelings so confusing?!
After finishing my song Ease, I finally have to make my final remarks.
"Thank you for coming out tonight New York City!" I shout into the microphone. "This has definitely been an outstanding end to this tour! So thank you for making it awesome!" Pause for effect... "I love you, you guys are the best, but I'm gonna be taking a little time off after this to relax and just do normal stuff! This last song is for you it's called Youth! What if... What if we run away? What if... what if we left today... What if we say goodbye to safe and sound?"

"Congrats on another successful tour Mr. Troye Siavn! The interviewer asks backstage once the show is finished.
"Thank you! This year has truly been amazing and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have toured again!" I twirl the microphone as the camera man points the camera back on the tall blonde girl standing next to me.
"Any plans for the break?" She flashes her abnormally white teeth at me.
"Well, I'm hoping to become inspired and work on another album, spend time with friends and family, definitely sleep a lot..."
"That's fun and all but what about any girls? Is there a special girl in your life?" She cuts me off sending me a not so subtle wink. Sorry honey, I'm not into girls like you... Actually, I'm not into girls at all but Miranda would kill me if I said that...
Instead I respond with a very simple yet effective, "not at the moment, no."
She keeps pressing the subject but I keep diverting it until she eventually gives up asking all together and brings the interview to an untimely end. The second the camera is turned off she drops her smile and storms off, probably because she couldn't score my number.

I wipe the sweaty curls from my eyes and take a sip of my drink. The crew spends a few hours celebrating another successful tour before everyone heads off to their separate hotels.
As soon as I'm in my room I notice a couple pieces of paper sitting on the dresser by my bed. The top piece of paper has the name Troye messily written out, and the bottom piece is the painting Connor had drawn of me. My eyes scan the note from the artist, a huge grin forming on my face when I see a number written in the bottom corner.
I quickly pull out my phone adding 'Connor :)' to my contacts. I place the painting on the bedside table next to me before climbing into bed and quickly falling asleep...
Okay, I have a request!
Please check out Jessica Wit on YouTube! 😉

You can also find me:

Twitter: jessicawitxx
Instagram: jesswitxx
Snapchat: jessicawitxx

I've had a few people message me on various social media platforms saying they enjoy my stories (idk why tho they're so bad) but thank you it means the world to know people out there enjoy what I'm doing! So thank you and never feel like you can't talk to me because I love it when you guys do! ❤️

Also hope you enjoyed this part, it's currently 1 am and I'm not editing it 😂 low key not happy with how this part went but I think I figured out a concept to help with the direction of the story... finally summer so maybe I'll write more...

~ Sunshine Xx

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