Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

 "B.A.P is a six man Korean boy band that was formed under the management TS Entertainment in the late months of 2011." Jess said, her eyes flicking to the screen as she spoke. "They promoted for the rest of 2011 and debuted on January 26, 2012 with their debut single 'Warrior'."

"The six members are Bang Yongguk, Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup and Zelo." Each member's name and picture flashed on the screen as I said their names. 

Someone raised their hand in the audience and asked, "Why doesn't Zelo have two names like the rest of them? And why is his picture so blurry?"

I leveled a look at the boy and spoke through pursed lips. "Zelo is his stage name. His real name is kept confidential by TS because he's only sixteen. His picture is so blurry because it's distorted on the screen. No more questions please." I gave him a sickly sweet smile and then continued without missing a beat."B.A.P's mascots are the Matoki warroiors. Matoki is a shortened compound of Masked and the Korean word for bunny which is toki."

"Bang Yongguk is the leader of B.A.P and his bunny is the red Shishimato." Jess said, taking over seamlessly. We'd been practicing our speech together for a few days and she almost had all the information down. I was so proud of her. "He is twenty three years old and he is in charge of rap in B.A.P."

"Kim Himchan is the visual of B.A.P and his bunny is pink, Tatsmato. Himchan is also twenty three years old and he's a sub vocalist of the group as well being the visual." A black box appeared on the screen. "This is the best fancam I could find of this performance. It's Yongguk and Himchan performing Yongguk's song 'Sexy Clap'."

The video came on the screen and I couldn't help but peek out at the audience to gauge their reactions. Mr. Davis was enthralled with the video as was most of the class. There were a few kids who weren't paying attention but they never paid attention. 

I caught my attention straying to a certain red haired Korean boy on the far side of the room. When I finally gave in and looked at him, he was staring right at me. I jumped a little at the intensity of his stare but when I looked at him again, he was facing the screen, watching Yongguk and Himchan jump around on the stage.

We cut the video after about thirty seconds and Jess started again. "Jung Daehyun is the main vocalist and his bunny is the white Kekemato. He is twenty years old and was the last member of the group added."

Everyone was beginning to catch on to the rhythm of the speech and shifted their attention to me. "Yoo Youngjae is the lead vocalist  and his bunny is yellow, Jokomato. Nineteen years old and he was originally supposed to be the main vocalist until Daehyun was added to the group."

Another black box appeared on the screen. "I think you will all recognize this song," I said, playing the video. Daehyun and Youngaje's cover of 'I Believe I Can Fly' played for about the same time as the first video before we cut it again.

"I'm sure you've all noticed the lack of dancing in those two videos. Are you wondering why? Well that's because, Moon Jongup hasn't been introduced yet. He's the main dancer for B.A.P and his bunny is the green Dadamato. He's eighteen years old and does a lot of the choreography for their videos, so much so that we've given him his own video spot."

The black box appeared on the screen again and this time when it played, it opened up to Jongup dancing solo to Kanye West's 'Runaway' and from there it jumped around to a compilation of some of my favorite dance cuts of his. The last clip before the screen went dark was of Jongup doing the dougie with Zelo.

When the video was over it was my time to speak again and I pushed the butterflies away. This wasn't the time to become nervous. I'd practiced this speech a million times with Jess, I could say my lines just one more time.

"The last member of B.A.P is maknae Zelo. He is in charge of rap and does a lot of choreography with Jongup as you could see in the last clip. His bunny is the blue Totomato. He's well known for his LTE rap and his amazing charisma on stage."

The black screen appeared again and Warrior came up on the screen, skipping right to his rap. A lot of the students were amazed at his talent and I could feel a blush beginning to rise to my cheeks as I thought of Zelo sitting in the audience listening to me sing his praises in front of a classroom full of students.

As we went on to detail some of the variety shows that B.A.P has been on and the awards they've won, "Rain Sound" and "Secret Love" played softly in the background

 "Okay, the next group we will be talking about is Big Bang... Big Bang is a-" I was cut off from speaking by Mr. Ledger, the principal, knocking on the door. 

Mr. Davis smiled apologetically at us and said, "Sorry for the interruption girls, you'll have to continue tomorrow if you don't mind." The class was almost over and we both just shrugged our shoulders, there was nothing we could do about it.

 Mr.Davis left the classroom to talk to Mr. Ledger and the entire class dissolved to anarchy. Everyone was up out of their seats talking to their friends and goofing off like high schoolers do best... Jess came over to my side of the classroom to sit on my desk and I leaned against the heater again. Zelo was resting his shoulder against the wall and looking down at me.

"So, what did you think of our presentation, Junhong? Well, at least the part we got through..." Jess asked, smiling up at the younger boy

 "It was good. B.A.P is a good band," he looked at Jess when he spoke but I could tell his words were directed at me.

"Have you ever been to one of their concerts?" Jess was interested now. She'd only agreed to do the KPop speech with me because I adamantly refused to doing a speech on One Direction. We had very different musical tastes but while we were preparing for the speech I made her listen to a lot of B.A.P as well as other bands and artists. She'd grown to accept the group although she wasn't nearly at the same fangirl level that I was.

"I've been to a few..." I looked over at Zelo and the ghost of a smile was playing around the edges of his lips. "Have you ever been to one of their concerts?" This time he was talking to me, as he angled his body to face me more directly.

"No," I said, shaking my head and looking down. "I was busy when they were here in America. I couldn't make it and I've always wanted to meet B.A.P in person."

"Yeah, she talks about them all the time. I can't even get Devin to listen to American music anymore!"

 My cheeks were flaming scarlet at Jess's comment. Zelo was about to say something but the bell ringing cut him off. "Have fun in class guys!" I said, grabbing my things and pushing through kids to the door. Zelo was left standing with Jess on the other side of the classroom and I was out the door, thankful he hadn't caught me alone...

So... This took so much longer than I had anticipated. BUT to make up for it, I have pretty videos. The links below you just punch that little thing into the address bar after your good ol' Youtube and it'll show you the videos I talked about in this chapter. Well at least some of them, I was lazy...

I hadn't planned on writing the speech out and that's why I cut it short. I didn't think it was that important to the story line but y'all wanted it so I wrote it! Now I already have part of the next chapter written out so I'm going to go and work on that instead of making this the world's longest Author's Note because that's where this is headed... Okay, bye...


/watch?v=Fn-377uo9HI  << Yongguk and Himchan "Sexy Clap"

/watch?v=Z8SE0ISMCNc  << Jongup Dance practice

/watch?v=sOFj26qRvgs  <<  Jongup Dance performance

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