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• • After 10 Minutes Of Walking • •

Wew, I'm tired. I stopped on my tracks and breathed in and out deeply.

Finally, my tiredness was gone. I looked at my surroundings, Hmmm... full of trees. "Of course it's full of trees, It's a forest you idiot!" I thunk to myself. It's getting dark. I checked my watch. HOLY CRAP! It's 6:30 p.m ! I better go back. Wait, where is the way back? Oh no. I'm lost. This can't be! Patience Rose, patience. I'll just find my way out.

So, I walked and walked and walked. Still, I'm in this.. this.. FOREST! I looked at my surroundings,It's dark. Good thing I brought my flashlight. I clicked it open and continued on my tracks. I checked my watch, Oh great! 12:00 p.m. It's midnight and I'm not yet at home. Mom is totally gonna kill me!

A rustle on the bush startled me. I quickly turned and faced the bush. I guess I'm not the only one in here.

"Umm.. H-hello?" I said.

"Is someone there?" I called out.

"There is." A husky voice said from my back.

I turned and was surprised to see a figure standing,

"W-who are you?" I scaredly asked.

I was shaking due to fear. The figure just chuckled. I faced my flashlight to the figure, foot to head. The figure was wearing sneakers, shorts, and .. Oh my God! Shirtless, His upper body was so muscular! He has complete 6 packs of abs. SNAP OUT OF IT ROSIE! SNAP OUT OF IT.

Finally, the face. Awe, he's handsome. He chuckled again,

" Shocked?" he asked.

"W-why are you here?" I asked,

"Searching for.."

" For What?" I asked.


With that, he growled like a monstrous beast and transformed into.. into..

*Gasp* ! A beast ! I started to run. Oh my God, please, I don't wanna die yet !

The beast was catching up. I turned left. Run faster Rose ! C'mon !

A thorny branch met my arm,

"Ow!" I squeeled.

I was cut ! I held it and ran.

" Help !" I shouted.

Blood came running from my cut down to m elbows. Oh Great! Blood?! blood attracts beasts!

I did'nt notice a rock and tripped . Ow!! My knees ! It hurts ! The beast slowly walked towards me. I scooted away. I couldn't stand up. My knees and feet are throbbing, My heartbeat very fast and my cut keeps on bleeding.

"D-dont ! Please!" I begged,

"Help !" I shouted.

God, I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna be dead. When the beast was about to attack me, A figure suddenly fell and stopped him.

Darkness swallowed me.


Hellooooooooo Readers ! :)

So how was my chapter two? :D

Anyway, Please Vote and Comment :)

I wish I can get many reads on this :*

-Jillian ♥

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