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The day of the dance, oh fuck.

I walked into school to hear endless incoherent whispers but everybody seemed to be infatuated with this simple get-together. In all honesty it was going to be awful.

Hannah would spike the punch in the hopes that Ella would drink it. Then Tyler would get tipsy and Korey would be all over him. Drunk Mark was never fun, he always got that Asian glow. Anthony and Ian would probably disappear somewhere. Emile would steal Jon's toque to get the Canadian to follow him. And having hammered Grumps wasn't going to go down smoothly.

They never ended well.

Nobody in the history of ever, if they were anything like me, would say that these are fun. I tried advising MatPat against it, I really did, but I always got the same reply; "Maybe you just need to get out more, this will be good for that."

We sat with Mark, Sean, Fe, and PJ, but we had two new additions to our posse.

"Nate, this is Bob and Wade." Mark introduced us. I smiled, with a small wave, in turn receiving the same.

Bob wore glasses and had a calming vibe about him, he just looked like he could have a laugh and just approachable in general.

The same couldn't be said about Wade, who had slightly Afro hair and eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. But as soon as Mark cracked a joke and he burst out in a hearty laugh I knew he'd be alright.

"Uh, Nate can I speak to you a minute.. Alone?" Jack asked, wringing his wrists in an awkward fashion.

"Sure." I shot him a small smile, gesturing for him to follow me.

I glanced at Matt, his lips were pursed in an annoyed fashion and there was an emotion in his eyes that I'd never seen before, was that.... Jealousy? Or maybe envy...

That was hardly a possibility, why would he care?

"Nate are you even listening, I know your boyfriends face is pleasing but I'm trying to tell you something." Jack laughed.

"He's not my boyfriend, anyway what?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Well, y'know how the dance is today? I don't have anybody to go with and Mark probably has somebody already, do you know somebody who might wanna go with me?" He asked, his eyes filled with hope.

"Oh my god! You like Mark! You wanted to go to the dance with him! I fucking knew it!" I punched the air in victory.

"I do not!" Sean protested.

"Do so!"

"Do not!"

The bell rang and we continued this into class, standing in a corner to continue our conversation.

"Do so!" I started again.

"Do not!"

"Jackaboy Loves Markimoo, Jackabo-." I was cut off by his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up he might hear you! Ew, did you just lick my hand!?" He removed it from my face.

"So you do like him?"

"I never said that I did."

"You never said that you didn't either."

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