Naruto running away from a mob that is made up of the villagers and shinobi, ran to far and ran out of Konoha and collapsed just outside of Orochimaru's hideout. The snake just on his way back from a mission that he himself had to go on, had seen th...
'Why, why do they hate me? Have I done something to upset them that badly? I don't know all I know is that I have to keep running, I can't collapse now I'm not safe yet, have to keep running, have to push myself to the limit and go past that limit to survive.' Naruto thinks to himself.
While Naruto was inside his thoughts he runs into a dead end and gets a fire ball to the face, when he turns around and curls up into a little ball to keep from getting hurt to badly. While looking for an escape route they hurt him more to the point of him loosing almost all his blood. After finding an escape route, he runs and escapes the pursuers who chase him out of the village and almost near the border of the fire country. Naruto the poor boy kept running until he had actually collapsed and right outside of the pedo-snakes hide out to.
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Orochimaru was walking back from doing a mission and had seen a mop of yellow hair that looked so much like the Yondaime that he had thought Minato had come back to life to haunt everyone and rule Konoha again, then Orochimaru remembered the seal he used was the reaper death seal so he can't come back to life no matter how much he wants to, and Orochimaru also remembered that he had a son and that he sealed the Kyuubi no Yoko inside of him, going closer Orochimaru noticed that the boy had a lot of wounds on his body, he was curious as to what happened to the boy so Orochimaru took him to his hideout and called for Kabuto to come and heal the boy.
"It shall be done right away Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto had said to Orochimaru.
~~~Time Skip Cause I Am The Doctor~~~
A few hours later Kabuto and he looked severely shaken up which is very hard to do for him, "Kabuto," I called "what hasss gotten you ssso ssshaken up?" Orochimaru asked wondering what was wrong.
"L-lord Orochimaru y-you would not b-believe the wounds the b-boy has suffered." Kabuto said stuttering on a few words.
Orochimaru had to check this out for himself as it takes a lot for Kabuto to look shaken up and stutter at the same time, walking into the lab Orochimaru looked at the boy and gasp in shock, the wounds the boy has suffered makes Orochimaru wonder how he is still alive and breathing. He has a giant burn on his face that will probably make the poor boy blind for life, he has a sword wound and kunai still in his body, along with some senbon and other things that ninjas use and it looks like the hand prints on his body are from the villagers who wanted to get up close and personal, and it looks like the poor boy still isn't fully healed.
'What has that village done to the poor boy who has done nothing to them except look for acceptance from them I mean I know he has the Third and all but I still wonder how he can be such a happy little boy.' Orochimaru thinks to himself.
(A/N: oh Orochimaru if only you knew how low his sanity really is)
Naruto seems as though he is waking up but Orochimaru believes that he can only see darkness right now. Though the fox grew back his eyes so that we can now see the colour, he couldn't fully fix them so that Naruto could have his sight back, Orochimaru and Kabuto know that he is still blind though Orochimaru now has to break the news to the poor kid.
"H-hello i-is anyone there?" Naruto asks into the darkness only he can see.