Chapter 4

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The next morning Orochimaru enters his daughters room and wakes her, telling her that she needs to show Naruto around the base so he can still find his way even though he is blind. Knowing this would happen Tora nods her head and goes over to Naruto's room and knocks before entering. Naruto senses the shy girl and waves to her. "Are you the one that will show me around?" Naruto asks softly, he senses with his chakra, having had to adapt to the situation, that the girl had nodded her head and hears her ask softly in his ear permission to touch him so she can show him around. Naruto nods with a sigh of relief glad she asked before placing her hand softly on his shoulder. As Tora shows Naruto around he gets this inane feeling that something bad is coming and will happen here in this base. Orochimaru approaches the two as they are finishing their tour and asks Naruto if he will be able to find his way around this base.

"Yes sir." Naruto replies, "You can thank your daughter as she let me feel the walls whilst also telling me where everything is so I can basically sonar your base with my chakra and find my way around quite easily."

"That's very good." Orochimaru says before looking over to his daughter, "Kabuto is waiting for you in the training room. I can take Naruto from here."

"Very well father, I shall be on my way now. goodbye for now Naruto." Tora says as she leaves the area, nodding to her father as she passes him on the way to the training room. Once in the training room Tora decides to start off by warming herself up.

Naruto looks at where he can kind of sense Orochimaru's chakra. "What are we going to do today Orochimaru-san?" Naruto asks him curiously.

Orochimaru looks down at the small child with a soft smile. "Today we are going to have you send out small pulses of your chakra so you can sense where everything and everyone is. Follow me little one, I shall lead you to your own training room." Orochimaru explains before walking away with little Naruto following him.

As Naruto follows Orochimaru through his hideout back at Konoha things are quite different.

Hiruzen Sarutobi sits in the Hokage chair with the stupid hat that gives his old shoulders too much burden to carry on his head, waiting for any sign of the same doctors that have always appeared when Naruto was hurt and in the hospital as they, not so surprisingly, like to take their time when the boy was in their care. After a few days the doctors still have not appeared in front of the old man so he decides to go to the hospital and see if Naruto has been in their care recently.

As Sarutobi walks into the hospital he goes towards the desk clerk and asks the young lady if Naruto has been checked in lately. The nurse asks for the Lord Hokage to give her just a moment whilst she searches the database and finds that no, the adorable, in her own opinion, young boy has not been checked in recently which she is nervous to tell the Hokage about but she does it anyway.

The Hokage looks troubled at this news, but gives thanks to the young nurse and travels back to his office deep in thought as to what could have befallen poor young Naruto. Sarutobi calls for his strongest ANBU and tells them to search for the young boy to see if he is in the village and if he isn't, to see how far he has gotten away from the village.

The ANBU race through the village fear thrumming through their veins as the whole group cared for the little one and doesn't want to see him dead. Inu looks over to the others, "I hope our little Naru isn't too badly hurt or lost somewhere he shouldn't be." Inu says in concern and worry, his thoughts being jumbled around in his mind as he maps out a plan for the group. Everyone else agrees with the plan and they split up to search for Naruto, two go out of the village to look and the other two look everywhere in the village, Inu and Weasel look outside of the village whilst the others look inside.

Inu, Weasel, Cat and Dolphin looked everywhere all day but didn't find a trace of Naruto. Inu's ninhounds found a faint scent but they lost it a few miles out from the village. They returned with their heads down to give the news to the already very worried Kage. Sarutobi was deeply upset and could not fathom what was inevitable to have happened to Naruto whilst he is out in the wild on his own.


I apologize for how short this chapter is but i couldn't think of much else to write. Thank you to all who comment and if you want to read my other books you know where to find them.

I wish you all a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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