What Happened?

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It was in the middle of December and it was cold and raining. I'm was on the road driving back home when i see something or should i say someone. I hit the breaks and see a person just standing their like nothing had happened. I get out of the car and check if the person was fine.

Hello i say. No answer.

i get a little closer and see that this person has a dog like hear and a dog like tail. "shit" i mutter this must be one of those hydrid thing people are always talking about. People say if you see one don't get close to it because they will attack you. I get a little closer just close enough to see its face. "hello" i say again this time the thing turn around so i can see its face but when i look at this isn't like what people talk about this one looks different then what people describe no one mention that they have red glowing eye or is it just this one.i get a closer and look at the thing it looks like he is around my age but alittle younger. "shit what do i do" i whispered to my self. When i look up the thing is staring me down i try to back up but when i moved the thing strikes at me. It jumped on top of me and tried to bite me. I try to fight but it was no use the thing is a lot stronger than i am.Their was no use to fight it. The thing bites down at my neck and takes off a piece of my neck.I yell from the pain, i guess this is enough to scare the thing away because it ran. I just laid their as i heard it run away. i try to hold my neck from bleeding out. i try to stand up but cant its no use its like the thing paralyzed me and i cant to anything just lay their on the cold ground. A couple of minutes later i see some head light of a car and hear a car stop. i hear doors open and people talking i here a lady and a man talking the lady bends down to the floor and looks at me asking if i was ok i tried to say something but nothing came out i hear the lady tell the man call 911 next thing i know their sirens going off and im being carried away in an ambulance but before i know i black out. the only thing that i can remember are those red eye just staring at me and looking at me.

Hello to who ever is reading this. i just want to say thank you if you are, and this is my first story so.. yeah i dont know if its good or not so let me know if you like it and i can write more Thank You.

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