Chap. 6 Great Ideas

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Marina's POV

How the hell does he know about Athos?! Okay well he is the God of Earth so that could be one explanation, but I think I'll just play dumb I would never tell a single soul about Athos and his relation to me. I'm not ready to share something like that. Speaking of Athos I might head his way to his house. I'm craving his spaghetti carbonara! Hmm I might just do that!
"Athos? Athooos? Isn't he a God or something?" I replied back, "Oh yeah I was just wondering I heard someone say his name earlier." "Oh okay" wow I should be an actress! *mentally high fives myself*

We reached the front doors of the hospital, when I stopped in my tracks and turned my body fully to Darius, "I forgot my ring, I'll be back in a sec" I said as I was running towards the elevator. I could hear the yelling of my name and the rapid stomping of his feet against the tiled floor but that all stopped when the elevator door closed. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I may have sounded all happy and excited earlier but there is no way in hell I was going back to his pack with him, mate or not. I've always wanted a mate don't get me wrong, but being mated to the most ruthless werewolf in the history of our kind scared me just a tad. What was the moon goddess thinking?! Okay I'm not an angel I'll admit that but he makes the devil look innocent. I mean come on we've all heard the stories but that's for another day.
I reached the second floor and found the stairs where I ran as fast as I could to the fourth floor. I took a deep breath and went to the elevator. I got some worried looks from the nurses but I just hid my face incase Darius questions them later, I would hate it if they got in trouble because of me. I pressed the button and it dinged open, thank god there was no one else in here! See my theory is, is that when the big bad Alpha realised I was fleeing his presence he would've waited until the elevator stopped on floor two which is where I got off then he would've taken the stairs to the second floor while I was already on the fourth floor. And finally when he realised I wasn't on the second floor he would've had an Alpha tantrum throwing stuff everywhere and bladder blah which will give me just the right amount of time to slip out of the elevator and dash out of the hospital to Athos.

The elevator stopped on the ground floor. It's now or never Marina. The doors opened slowly like a tomb exhaling a thick damp breath, haha sorry I love personal writing I'm the best in my class. Anyway I peeked around the corner, there was no one in sight accept a few nurses and that, it was quiet, too quiet. I also love James Bond. I stepped out of the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief, you can do this, you can make it, I told myself repeatedly. The glass doors were only a few metres away. I half walked half ran to the doors but not enough to gain attention so I was all good. I made it outside. I made it, I actually made it. Reminder to write this down so I can publish this. I can see the headlines now, 'THE CONDEMNED MATE OF THE KING SUCCESSFULLY ESCAPES' or something like that I'll have to work on it. "See there's one flaw to your plan, I'll admit it was a good attempt but you see.......there's only one exit darling." Someone whispers huskily in my ear. I was going to run but decided against it, I knew it was Darius and I knew what my fate would be, either death, enslavement  or imprisonment. I was hoping for death. He would never love me like he promised a few hours ago in the hospital room. He had priorities his pack his number one, and I could never compete with that, I would always be second best. I do like him I'll admit that I can feel the mate bond working already, but if I leave now I'll save myself from more heartbreak in the future. Should I reject him now or let him kill me? I thought. "REJECT ME?!?!? FIRST OF ALL YOU WONT REJECT ME BECAUSE YOU ARE MINE FOREVER!!!!"
Oh my god me and my f*ucking thoughts. AGAIN!
And with that he leaned in close to me and marked me. I felt tingly and warm like when you wake up after a nap next to the fireplace. Everything became blurry and his satisfied but worried face was the last thing I saw. I guess you shouldn't mess with the big bad alpha!

Darius' POV

Did I just here her right? REJECT? She said the word reject and me in the same  sentence, and why would she think I'd kill her? Okay I was raging when she ran away from me, but her plan was good I have to admit but I'd never tell her that, she's gonna make a great Luna. But I need to think, she can't reject me, she's MY MATE! Am I not good enough for her? Is there someone else? Maybe that Athos dude! Okay I know I should be more calm but any werewolf would act this way in this situation, mates are the most important thing in our lives and now that I've found my perfect mate I'm sure as he'll not letting her get away from me. Maybe that drug idea isn't so bad after all! Lightbulb. I'm sorry my little mate but I have to this so you won't leave me. My canines extended and my eyes turned pitch black, Shannon was in the building. Before Marina realised what was going on I sunk my teeth into her sweet soft skin. She tasted delicious, oh I could've had my wicked way with her right now but I need to stop these thoughts before I crack. I licked her mark clean and admired it when I tilted my head back from hers. She's beautiful. It's all I could think about, and she's all mine.

"Cole, get Bastian and bring the car around the front, my Luna is coming home."


Thanks to everyone who's reading and voting!! If anyone wants to do cover art feel free to send it to me! xx


The Alpha King and His Mate #Wattys2016  (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now