《Chapter 1》

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A/N:This chapter isn't edited for grammatical error so don't judge.

"She'll tell you her name and you won't ask again because you couldn't possibly forget" J.D.


I stand in front of my mirror. I'm pretty. Beautiful some would say. Dark hair, brown eyes,small waist wider hips,medium sized breasts and a desirable height for most guys.

I buttoned the last of the buttons of my red checkered plaid shirt and pulled on a pair of black shorts. I was going for simple and so, I picked the converse and I head out to 'bump into' Richard King.

What a life.

Alley said he'd be at the city's dance studio apparently he coached kids there. Wasn't he a Santa Claus.

I got into my car. Audi was a brand I liked and the R8 was a car I loved. I'd been saving for a car since I was fifteen so at least I bought something pretty.

I drove there and I went in parading as a girl looking to learn some moves. No I was just looking to get a not so random penis into my so random vagina.

Yes I said it.

And there he was. He must have been two meters tall when he came out the womb already because it must take centuries to get that tall. No- wait....hold on. I flipping tripped and that is why he seems so tall. It is because I am on the ground. Talk about falling hard.

"Give me your hand before I start to think I should pick you up." He said with his deep blue eyes.They reminded me of the ocean at night.Except his eyes didn't reflect the stars in the sky like the ocean did.They were just blue and lonely.

I gave it to him and voilà Satan had stepped in and given me a bruise when I'd hit the ground.

"Thanks." I said as I righted myself on my feet.

"No pressure. Are you okay?" He said as he quirked up an eyebrow.His hair was pitch black.

"Just a bruise." I said.

"Let me see." He said with a slight worried face.

"I'm good, don't worry." I said . I hate it when people fuss over me.

"Ouch!" I yelped.He had already knelt down to analyse my knee.

"Definitely not a bruise. C'mon lets get you fixed up." He said as he stood up and took my hand.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.He was being too kind and he didn't even know my name.

"You're here to learn aren't you?" He said as he pushed the door of some kind of office open.He let me in first.

"And you know this how?" I asked as I faced him.He wasn't really two meters tall.He was just tall.His skin looked sun kissed.And it wasn't a tan.

"Converse, shorts and a comfy shirt? Pretty obvious." He said with a smile.He seems sweet.

"I didn't realise there was a dress code for this type of thing but uh okay." I say to kill the awkward silence that would have been born.Yes when it comes to awkward silence I completely support abortion.

He cleans my wound up and dresses it.And so I cannot woo him with my talents.Yay me.

Richard:1 Eva:0

It's a game and he doesn't even know he's playing.

That's to my advantage right?It isn't fair but who said I liked the rules.

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