Book Trailer & Authors Notes

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Hi! This is the place where I'll be giving updates on the book and also, you can see things like this on my message board! So if you want you can check out all my update messages on there


20th August - Its been a busy week and I haven't been able to finish this scene as it is quite complex. I'm so sorry for the delays, school starts again soon and I have to get all my stuff together and plan my school year etc. I hope you can understand! I promise I will update when I can!

12th September - And here I am again... Ugh I just can't keep doing this is know. If you've read my conversation you may know that I have a rather deadly case of writers block and... Well it's been a while since I've updated. It's sad as well because I ended on such a cliffhanger and like its one of the main climaxes in the book so an I'm doing a shitty job of writing it haha. Sorry I just want to do get the best out of this chapter and not serve you shit on a page hahaha! I'm trying guys, bare with me :(((((( 

8th February - DONT WORRY! DO NOT PANIC! Buried Beneath the Shadows is now a go. You shall be expecting chapter 16 and some minor updates on some naff chapters in a short while. I've found some time to write and I write until I'm finished. This is the first book I ever though could have some potential and I WILL finish it if it's the last thing I do. (Even though I'd probably be done by the time I'm 50!)

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