Sometimes You Just Have To Pretend

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Sienna's P.O.V.

After we both got changed, Ari said she was going to head to the library to do some homework, and pretty much forced me to join her, although I most definitely wasn't complaining deep down inside. Ever since I woke up this morning, I felt the urge to be around her even more than usual. Yeah, I know, she was with Jake, and they were in love, blah blah blah. But she was still my best friend, I mean at least I think that's how I felt about her.

Once we got to the library, I allowed her to do her homework for about half an hour, but then I got bored, so I began to become the ultimate distraction. She continuously rolled her eyes at me, and whispered "stop it!" but she couldn't stop laughing. 

Just as I threw a crumpled piece of paper at her, Mr. Perfect walked over and sat down next to her. Great!

"Hey babe," he said, giving her a peck on the lips.

EWWWW! My hands balled up into fists, and I seriously had the urge to punch the kid in the face, but I made myself calm down. He wasn't doing anything wrong, she was his girlfriend. Damn, why was that bothering me so much? I needed to chill.

"Hey there," she said with a smile, giving him another peck on the lips.

I felt like my heart was in my mouth.

"I'm going to let you two love birds be alone," I said, forcing a smile, and gathering up my stuff.

I couldn't bare to stay here and watch the two of them drool over each other.

"Wait, don't go, we have more studying to do!" pleaded Ari, taking hold of my hand.

Man, her hand felt so warm. I stood there for a moment, contemplating whether I should stay or not. Yeah, they'd be all over each other, but I'd still be near her.

"I doubt you'll be getting much studying done now," I said, a bit more snide than I had intended.

She immediately pulled away, and I instantly felt bad, wishing I could take back what I had said. I hated hurting her in any way. 

"Have fun you two," I said, forcing the biggest smile to make up for my rude tone, and then walking towards the exit before either of them could respond.

As I walked outside, I took out my phone, and texted Clay.

"I need to talk to you asap," I wrote.

"Sure, come by," he texted back a few moments later.

I shut my phone, and then made my way to his dorm as quickly as I could. When I reached his door, I impatiently knocked on it.

"Whoa, calm down," he said.

I walked right by him into his room, and sat down on his bed.

"What's the matter?" he asked concerned.

"Clay, I don't know what's going on with me," I said, looking down at my feet.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, last night Ari told me that her and Jake became an official couple-" I began, before getting cut off by Clay.

"WHOA, THEY GOT TOGETHER LAST NIGHT?" he asked, extremely surprised.

"Yes, they made it official last night, why is that such a shock?" I asked confused.

"It didn't look like Jake-" he began, but then his phone rang.

"Ahh shit, hang on let me take this," he said, answering it.

He began to get into an animated conversation with who ever he was talking to, and I just sat on his bed, thinking about everything that had happened, and everything I was feeling. Did I really want to go exploring and figure these feelings out? I decided it was just best for everyone if I kept them to myself, and pretend like I never felt them. I mean, Ari was with Jake, and she was so happy, so I was happy right?

"Clay, I'm going to go," I said, getting off his bed, and making my way towards the door.

"I'll be done soon, are you sure you don't want to talk?" he asked, his hand over the mouthpiece.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll see you later," I said as I walked out.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know I usually alternate between Sienna's and Ari's p.o.vs, but I couldn't really think of any other way to make the story progress in the way I wanted it to. Next update will either be later tonight or tomorrow. Make sure to vote and comment telling me what you think, and thank you so much for reading!

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