Home Alone with Adam

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Celeste P.O.V
    I wake up and look around. I was still in the fort I made with Ian. Ian was gone. I knock on all their doors and Adam is the only one that opens his.
   "Hey sleepyhead." He says. I laugh and look down. I'm still in pjs.
   "I was tired." I whine.
    "Yeah. You wanna come in." He asks. I walk into his room. His minecraft character was painted on his wall.
   "Wow. Can I do that with my wall?" I ask, pointing to his minecraft character.
    "Sure. I'll get it set up and order you one." He says, ruffling my hair. I laugh and jump onto his bed. I curl up under the blanket. "Get up Celeste. Time for school." He says jokingly.
   "Five more minutes." I joke back and pretend to snore. He drags the blanket off of me. "The light!" I say and hiss. We both start laughing. He throws a pillow that looked like a minecraft gold ingot at me. I throw it back. I grab a minecraft gold sword. He grabs one too. We both start to fence with the swords. It ends up with us going down the stairs, past the kitchen, onto the couch, and then me on the floor.
    "I win!" Adam says. "Champion!"
    "Alright fine, I guess you win. But I, the queen of squids, will be back!" I say. He picks me up and then throws me onto my bed. He sits next to me. I feel my neck to feel the giant cut on my neck. Adam lifts up my hair and sees it.
   "Did Miss Mary do that to you?" He asks.
    "No..my dad.." I whispers. He looks at me confused. "He gave me this scar after my mom died then gave me away. He hated me. I don't know why. I don't know if he is still alive, but I hope he is far away." I say. He hugs me, and I hug him back.
   "It's ok. You're safe now. We are all here to protect you, now matter what." Adam says.
    "Thanks. That means a lot. Knowing I have seven guys protecting me makes me feel a lot better." I say. He lets go and smiles.
    "Ok, let's not make this depressing. Wanna record a video?" He asks.
    "Sure! Let's do it!" I say. He walks to his room and we start a Skype call. Then, we start playing an adventure map.

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