Chap 1 - Kim Namjoon

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Almost exactly a year ago, Kim Namjoon was standing on the other side of the courtyard, one hand shoved in his pocket, his scruffy, light hair blowing with the wind. His head was turned down, his face screwed up as he monitored something on his cell phone.

I buried my face in the gap between my neck and hoodie, trying to shield myself from the bitter cold. The bell signalling my brother's end of the day was a mere thirty seconds away, but it felt like a lifetime.

I was just a bit peeved that Namjoon hadn't acknowledged me at all--he had to have recognized me, so why didn't he seem to want to socialize?

Just because it had been my first day at school that day, didn't mean he had to be an ass... I had the majority of my classes with the boy who was standing just several feet away, and yet, he was acting like I didn't exist, and that I hadn't existed for the entire day.

I was relieved when the bell rang and my brother, Jimin, came rushing out, two children following suit of him. The ten-year-old was smiling and laughing at something his new friends had said, and when he spotted me, I couldn't help but notice the very slight twitch in his grin. He led the two others towards me, his cropped, blond hair unaffected by the weather.

I flicked my eyes towards Namjoon once again, but he was still immersed in his phone; briefly, I wondered where whoever he was picking up was, but I was distracted once again when my brother greeted me.

"Seokjin!" Jimin shouted, his friends in close behind.

"Hey, buddy," I murmured when he was right up by me. "Who are they?" I asked, smiling at the two. They both had light hair and their eyes were a deep hazel that seemed strangely familiar, although I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

"I'm Jungkook," The boy said, the same height as my brother. "That's my sister, Jiho. We're twins," He said with a proud smile. Jiho bared her teeth in a grin, shaking my hand like a little adult. I laughed a little.

"Well, hi there! My name's--"

"Seokjin!" The two twins said in complete unison. I felt laughter bubble up once again, escaping my lips against my will.

"These two are so cool, Seokjin," Jimin told me excitedly. "They're gonna come over this weekend!"

I chose not to burst his bubble because odds were our parents would say no to any and all guests this weekend--our house was still a mess, boxes towered up to the ceiling and take out containers littering our countertops.

"That's awesome, dude. Are you all in the same class?" I asked all previous thoughts about the cold forgotten.

The three nodded before Jungkook said, "How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I replied easily. "Why?"

Jiho and Jungkook looked behind them, towards Kim Namjoon, who finally had put his phone in his pocket. For just a moment he glanced at the two children before his eyes rose up to meet my own. I saw a flash of recollection as he seemed to remember who I was. He waltzed over to us incredibly slowly, as though he didn't have a single care in the world.

"What are you two asking?" He asked in a low, almost menacing voice. My mouth opened slightly in awe because I hadn't heard him speak until then.

"This is Jimin," Jungkook explained, gesturing towards my brother.

"And that's Seokjin!" Jiho said, nearly a hundred times more enthusiastic than Jungkook had been. "He's your age, Namjoon! Maybe you saw him at school today?"

Namjoon's face shot up towards mine, and I knew for a fact that he had seen me around the school. However, his face remained blank, and there was a tense silence surrounding us for just a moment before he said, "No."

What a fucking liar.

"Oh," I said, narrowing my eyes and glaring at him as menacingly as I could. His lips upturned into a smirk as Jimin, Jungkook, and Jiho watched our exchange. "That's funny, I saw you around."

He quirked a brow. "Cool, I've always wanted a stalker," He said, but his voice was strangely monotone, deep, and uninterested. He was humouring me, but I could tell he didn't want to be speaking to me at all. "Jungkook, Jiho, let's go," He ordered, spinning around gracefully on one heel and strolling away from us.

"See you tomorrow, Jimin! And it was nice meeting you, Seokjin!" Jungkook said, following Namjoon's lead to a T, right down to the heel spin. He turned his head back around, running after him, his backpack thumping against his shoulder.

"Sorry about my brothers, Seokjin," Jiho told me. I attempted a smile, but I'm sure it came out as more of a grimace.

"It's alright. Nice meeting you, Jiho," I told her before she followed her siblings.

Jimin turned towards me, as though nothing had happened, and asked me how my first day had gone, to which I responded with fake answers.

Up until then, I hadn't been really sure if I wanted to live here.

The previous exchange forced me to hate the town.

Kim Namjoon, it would seem, made that both his mission and my reality.

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