4th Grade

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This chapter is dedicated to SallyMason1. Thank you for inspiring me to write a book. Loved War Bride! Up top is a pic of Ella. ENJOY!

It was a really long summer. Me and Layla did almost everything together. We had tons of sleepovers. We even went roller skating together! Now it was the night before school starts. I'm really nervous. I don't even know who my 4th grade teacher is! I'm on the phone with Layla. She is really excited for tomorrow.
"I'm really excited Ella!"
"I'm really nervous though Layla!"
"Don't be nervous Ella. 4th Grade will be fun! I heard we get to learn how to read and write cursive!"
"I really hope we have the same teacher Layla!"
"Me too Ella!"
"Guess you have to go Layla."
"See you tomorrow Ella."

The next day Ella was soo nervous she didn't want to get out of bed. Her mom finally persuaded her out of bed with pancakes.
   Ella slowly ate her pancakes. Despite her moms reasons, Ella was terrified of 4th grade. Finally the time came to get in the car and go to school.
   When they finally got to school Layla was just getting there too.
   "ELLA!" Layla yelled to me.
    "Oh My God it's really you Layla!"
The girls then hugged for about a couple of minutes until the bell rang telling them to go to class. It was just then the girls realized they were walking to the same class. Mrs. Loves class.
  The same thin happened this year. The girls spent every day doing things together. They even made a new friend together. Her name was Lyla. Now all 3 girls were inseparable. 
   The last day of school snuck up on the girls. When it finally came the class had a mini party. At the end of the party the 3 girls hugged like no other.
"Bye Girls." I whispered. I didn't want them to hear my voice crack.
"Bye Lyla,Bye Ella. " Layla said.
"Bye!" Lyla cried.
When it was time to go our separate ways they hugged and started walking.
Ella reflected on 4th grade and was happy that she had moved to Canada.

Thank you all for reading. (I mean you Lexi). Y'all know the drill:
Tell ur friends,


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