Chapter 13

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You woke up to your mom on the phone. It sounded like she was angry .

" riyad stop fucking yelling Kira and Jaime are asleep . LISTEN TO ME YOU FUCKING DICK I DIDNT DO FUCKING SHIT YOU UNDERSTAND. Fuck you RIYAD FUCK ME FOR LEAVING FLORIDA FUCKK" she says screaming then she threw her phone to the floor  and went to the bathroom .

I was about to get up but Jaime grabbed me " leave her okay she needs to relax and calm down so she needs to be left alone " he says half asleep.

" I guess I'm just scared . She was never this mad before . " you said shaking .

Wow I'm so tough. Shaking because my mom is yelling. So tough Kira so tough. Anyways let's continue on with my boring ass life .

I then felt him pulling me closer to his warm sexy body " it's alright " then kept rubbing my back. And kissed the top of my head . With that my eyes closed and I feel asleep.

I woke up and saw no sign of my mother . Was she that mad ?

I went to the bathroom. Showered .changed into the outfit above. And left my hair naturally curly . I was Turning on the tv . But then I decide to pull a prank on Jaime. Then my thoughts got ruined by a knock on the door. I didn't even bother looking at the peek hole cause I though it was my mom. But no . I opened it and wish I didn't .

" how'd you find my room" was the first thing I said because boy was I scared and creeped out .

" I'm in the same hotel. Room 29aa . We are practically neighbors " he says happily .

" okay so " I said holding the door just waiting for him to say something dicky like I miss you or something so I can slam the door in his face .

" I just wanted to talk " he says .

Here it comes .

" it's been a long time Kira. You sure haven't changed " he says chuckling
" how's life " .

What? Did I hear right. He didn't say anything dicky .

" um what" I said confused

" how's life" he said in a questioned tone

" no no I heard you its just I was expecting you to say something " but then he cut me off

" you expected me to say something dicky right " he says finishing my sentence .

I smiled " yeah sorry " .

He laughed " it's fine. I just wanna talk to you that's all"

Ryan was my boyfriend for quite some time. But I broke up with him because I saw him on a girl touching her waist and touching her lip. At the time I was only like 12 so . But anyways for two 12 year old we had some fun ass memory . I kinda miss him only because he was my first boyfriend .

" I wanted to talk over breakfast " he says .

You looked back at a sleepy Jaime " I'm sorry Ryan but my boyfriend is still sleeping and I don't wanna make him mad " . You said while looking at Jaime sleeping .

" B-boyfriend " he says .

" yeah, I wasn't gonna be single forever" you said chuckling nervously .

" your joking " he says clenching his jaw. He looked around made a fist with his hand " Kira I'm madly in love with you alright I never dated anyone ever since you broke up with me " he says in a loud whisper voice " I never stopped thinking about you okay. " he says turning red. He then took out his phone and showed me his lock screen . " LOOK" he says angrily . Sure enough it was a picture of us too when we was 12 years old. Cuddling .

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