Chapter 10

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Hey guys. Its me Victoria again and I am so glad that I am back to talk to you. Did you hear what happened in chapter 8 & 9? Good. I went OFF on Jeff that made me so f*cking mad omg I was about to just punch him. Though, I kept my cool and said what I had to say and left. Right now it 5:57 pm and I am about to make a dessert that my mom made a long time ago before she died. My mom had died when I was 8 and my dad left me, and my brother 2 months after my mom died. Why did he leave me and my brother? He left us because he was a alcoholic and he didn't really want us when me and my brother were born. Oh yeah my brothers name is Victor. My brother is 2 years older then me but he moved out the house when I was four. He went to live with his friends and he told me I couldn't come. So I was alone. I wasn't scared to be by myself though. I met new people, made new friends, and registered myself into preschool. The only thing I was scared of was that it was parent teacher conference and I had no parent. So when I went my teacher (Ms. Krager) asked where my parents were and I said that my mom died and my dad was a alcoholic so he left me and my older brother. She then asked me, "Where's your older brother?" I replied, "He left me by myself." She said "Oh" and then she told me how I was doing in school or in class. After she told me, I stood up and I was about to walk out the door when she suggested that I lived with her and her 2 kids Miranda and Kaylii. I loved that idea so much. She was like a mother to me, and I enjoyed that a lot.

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