Chapter 6

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March 29, 2016
6:45 a.m.

Dear Diary,
So yesterday me and Toria never had our "Coffee Date" but it was cool though. I actually had things to do anyway. Ok, so yesterday when it was the end of the day and I was heading home, I felt like I was getting followed. I don't know who was following me but hopefully It was a creep or anything. I mean right?? RIGHT!?! No no maybe I'm just over exaggerating, hopefully I'm not but hey, I'll never know... But I'm going to find out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner..... Well I have to get ready for school and our field trip today I'm Mr. Alterstein class.. #Handsonmuseum #hereIcome #Noschoolcoffeedate #seconddayofschool

"Victoria! Victoria! VICTORIA!! I hear someone call my name, I turn around and look who it is... Toria.

"Victoria, you didn't hear me calling you?"
"Sorry Toria, I just have a lot of stuff on my mind." I said with my head down.
"Oh Ok well, I don't care."
(See what I mean by she doesn't care about NOTHING)
"What do you want Toria?"
"Oh I just wanted to say sorry for not attending the coffee dinner yesterday."
"It's fine, I didn't go to the coffee shop anyway."
"Oh lol yea. That would have been kind of embarrassing that you went to the coffee shop waiting hours and hours for me to come but never came. Kind of like I stood you up." She said with her I wouldn't really care voice.
"Ok." I said. I was barely listening to what she was saying, and she said "LOL" like we were texting.
"Well after school we can walk to the coffee shop together."
"Walk?" I said with a confused look on my face.
"Yeah, we have to walk because my limo is at the shop.. So sad."
"Ok well that's fine. If I'm out before you, I'll just wait by the statue over there."
"Alright that's fine. Well we should be getting to class so I'll see you later."
"K bye."
As we walked our separate ways, I ran into the boy I had a crush on that gave me a compliment on my eyes. (BTW, my eyes ate green but can change blue and brown sometimes).
"Hey." He said
"Uh Hey."
"I see that we have the same homeroom. That's pretty cool."
"Yeah. We also have 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th together, nut we don't have 2nd or 7th together."
"Yeah but hey, at least we get to see each other in the other 5 classes."
"Well got to go. I'll see you I'm homeroom."
"Haha. Ok."
As he walked away, I started smiling a little more because I think I was starting to like him... Hopefully I don't catch to many feelings...

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