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I let out a long sigh as I stared out the window,I don't know what to do anymore.Why is it so hard to love someone?I must have zoned out because the next thing I heard was a knock on my window startling me enough for me to fall out of my chair.Theo was grinning widely at me causing me to sigh and open my window for him.

"Hey Stiles." He greeted me causing me to roll my eyes at him,he always ends up climbing through my window a lot now so I'm used to it by now.

"What do you want Theo?" I asked trying not to waste any valuable time that I could use to solve a problem or sleep.I just want to sleep for the rest of my life.

"Wow and here I thought you loved spending time with me!" He faked a hurt tone as well as an expression causing me scoff and turn back around to look at my unfinished homework.I really should finish this up...

I yelped when I was suddenly lifted from my chair by Theo and slung over his shoulder causing him to chuckle.And smirk,I'm assuming because I'm not able to see his face in this position.He jumped out my window with me over his shoulder landing perfectly on his feet.I let out a sigh of relief when he gently set me down to my feet on the grass.He held out his hand for me to take and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you insane Theo Raeken?" I exclaimed stepping back from the other teen with a surprised expression which made him smile softly.

"Maybe,so what if I am?" He questioned,Theo Raeken everyone.That's all that really needs to be said at this point.That was until he grabbed my hand and started dragging me off into the direction of the woods causing me to shake my head at him and yank back.

This didn't matter to him and he continued to pull me into the woods causing panic to well in my chest.I shuffled closer to him as we got further into the dark woods.I couldn't see anything really since it's so dark outside.But Theo seemed unaffected by the darkness,most likely because of his werewolf abilities.

"Theo!What the hell man,I can't even see where I'm going!" I yelped causing him to chuckle lightly before pulling me closer to his side.

"I can see that,you almost just tripped over that root." He pointed out as he glanced at me before returning his eyes to the apparently set path in front of us.Where the fuck are we even going?

"Whhere are we going?" I voiced my question causing him to shake his head and smirk.He's not gonna tell me,is he fucking serious right now?Please tell me this is a joke.

"Now if I told you that,it wouldn't be a surprise now would it Stiles?" He was still smirked and I wanted so badly to wipe that smug ass look off his face.

"Whatever." I scoffed and rolled my eyes silently letting him drag me off deeper into the woods.I can't see and I don't like it.I just want to go home finish my Algebra homework and go to sleep.God,I'm so damn tired.But I don't trust him enough to fall asleep around him.

Soon we arrived at a small little cabin and he pulled a key from his back pocket.Unlocking the door he gently pushed me through the door and stepped in behind me locking the door behind him.Okay,that's a little bit creepy....

He looked up at me to see me giving him a weird look.Shooting me an awkward smile he went on to explain his strange actions."'s not a really good idea to leave the door unlocked at night..." Theo trailed off causing me to nod hesitantly.

"Um you can take a seat in the couch if you want." He offered moving away from me and into the decent sized kitchen.I mean it was extravagant but it was pretty decent of a cabin.Isn't there a horror movie based on a cabin in the woods?Yeah,I think there is actually it's literally titled The Cobin In The Woods.

Theo came back holding two sodas and handed me one,which I thanked him for.He sat down next to me and just stared at me for a minute as I awkwardly sipped on my soda.Oh god why is he staring at me?Do I have something on my face?Fuck,maybe I do.I was eating some potato chips while doing homework earlier.

"Do I have something in my face?" I asked,this seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in from staring at my face.Color rose to his cheeks and I gaped at him only succeeding in making his light blush darken.

"Is Theo Raeken blushing because of me?" I gasped in an overdramatic voice causing his to chuckle awkwardly and avert his eyes.Oh my god,what if he actually likes me?He's a dork but a cute dork.Hmm,maybe it could work.Whoa,I need to slow my roll.

I'm kinda going out on a limb here,I have no actual proof other than this that he likes me.Only assumptions which will get me no where."Uh no?" He replied sounding more like a question than an answer though.I shrugged it off decided to force the idea away that he could actually have feelings for me.

I mean this is Theo we're talking about here.It would be way easier and way more simple if it was someone else but no,not with Theo.I know that once he knows that I know about him liking me,he won't back off.Ever.Like seriously,he won't even let me breath alone if he knows that I know.

I cleared my throat," you have any movies?" I asked awkwardly.Did I just ask that?Oh my fucking god,how stupid am I?Of course he has fucking movies!Everyone does,even my dad watches movies!

He nodded seeming relieved that I changed the subject."Um yeah,they're in the black cabinet by the TV." He said motioning toward the flat screen TV with a small black cabinet next to it.I shuffled through them settling on a horror which was a stupid choice on my part.I'm not necessarily afraid of horror movies....just not in a sark cabin in the middle of the woods with Theo.

He had shut off the lights after I set up the movie and set up the pillows for him to lean against.While I sat stiffly on the other end of the couch.About half way into the movie I jumped as something jumped out at the screen.I just know that Theo's going to make fun of me for it.

"Stiles." He whispered softly and I pried my closed eyes open to see him and he motioned for me to come closer.So I moved to sit next to him without hesitation which made him smirk widely but at the moment I didn't care.

He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me so that I was pressed against his side.I complied silently laying my head on his shoulder as we continued watching the movie.Feeling a lot safer now that I was in Theo's arms.A dark blush coated my cheeks and I was thankful it was to dark for him to see me....wait.

He can see even in the dark,fuck now he's definitely going to make fun of me!As if reading my thoughts he turned to face me offering am award winning smile."Don't worry Stiles,you look cute when you blush." This only resulted in my blush darkening.Oh God please let me not fuck this up!

We had finished the movie and I yawned loudly causing Theo to look at me."Maybe we should go to sleep,yeah?" I nodded sleepily in response,to tired to respond.He moved us into a spooning position with me as the little spoon.

I was to tired to protest and probably wouldn't even if I could.So I let him spoon me as I enjoyed the warmth he provided.And let myself drift off into a peaceful dream land with the last thing being his lips gently ghosting over my cheek and his comforting warmth around me.

Look,I'm sorry for not updating. Long story that you guys probably don't give a shit about so here is a one shot for you amazing people.I hope that you enjoyed,please tell me what guys think.

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