Stisaac {Sad!Fluff}

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I let out a tired sigh as I read over the old texts between me and Derek.We used to be so happy or that's what I thought at least.Turns out I was wrong,he ended up dumping me after sticking with me for seven months.At least he didn't lead me on for a whole year,right?

There was a knock on my door making me groan loudly and want to bury my face in a pillow.Instead,I got up and walked downstairs to the front door.When I opened it,Isaac stood there holding a green duffle bag.I gave him a confused look as I let him in.

"Thanks." He said once I moved aside for him to come inside.After he came in,I shut and locked the door again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" I asked as he walked into the living room.We sat down on the couch with his bag sitting at our feet.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He answered with a small shrug.He started shuffling through the bag before pulling out a few movies and a tub of cookies and cream ice cream.

"I wanted to cheer you up since you're so down over the whole break up." He explained when he saw me looking at him curiously.I nodded silently as I went into the kitchen,bringing back two bowls and spoons.

"Alright so which one do you want to watch first?" He asked,holding up The Lord Of The Rings and Star Wars.

"Star Wars,duh!" I said,shaking my head at his stupidity.Who in their right mind would chose Lord Of The Rings or Star Wars!?

"Oh saving the best for last,I see." He laughed.If he says something that dumb ever again,werewolf or not,I will kill him.

"Don't ever say that to me again." I said with a glare,he raised his hands up in surrender.Yeah,that's what I thought.

"Okay,okay!" He said with a smile as he got up to put the movie in.I Statt back and started to scoop ice cream into my bowl.He even got my favorite kind...

About halfway through the second movie,we had run out of ice cream.I also realized that I hadn't thanked him for doing all this."Thank you." I said causing him to look at me,caught off guard by my statement.

"Oh uh,you're welcome." He said dumbly making me laugh softly.We were quiet for a few moments before I decided that I want to use him as a pillow.

"Stiles?What are you trying to do?" He asked,tilting his head in confusion.

"Using you as a pillow." I mumbled as I laid my head on him again.

"You have fun with that." He laughed,I went back to watching the best movie of all time.

After some time he ended up playing with my hair as I we watched the movie.I pushed him away and sat up because if he continued than I would've eventually fallen asleep.I don't want to miss my favorite part!He gave me a hurt expression so I explained.

"I don't want to fall asleep and that's making me sleepy." I explained,he relaxed after I said that and nodded.

"Okay,but why do you wanna stay awake so bad?" He questioned making my cheeks heat up slightly.

"I don't want to stop spending time with you." I admitted sheepishly.He looked shocked for a minute before a bright smile lit up his face.

"I don't want to stop spending time with you either." He said happily and brought me in for a hug.I hugged him back with just as much strength and smiled softly to myself.

Maybe he could make me get over Derek?I think he could but I know he couldn't ever think of me in that way.I shook those thoughts away quickly.I can think about those things later,right now I have more important things to think about.Like how warm he is and how great of a pillow he is.

"Has anyone ever told you how comfy you are?" I mumbled,my face being muffled by him.

"Nope,you're the only person I let get this close to me." He said,wait what?

"So you're saying that I'm the only person that's ever had the privilege of using you as a human pillow?" I asked loudly in a fake shocked tone.

"Yes,you're the only person who I've ever given the 'privilege' to use me ad their own personal pillow." He laughed,rolling his eyes.

"I'm so honored!" I said in an over dramatic voice making us both laugh.

Once we calmed down,I decided that I should tell him that his surprise worked.It really did make me feel a lot better to have him over,even if it was us just watching movies together."Hey Issac?" I said in almost a whisper compared to how loud I had spoken last time.

"Yeah?" He asked,just as quiet.

"I think it worked." I said making him smile widely.

"I'm glad it did,that was the plan you know." He said making me laugh before rolling my eyes.And that's how we spent the rest if our night.Us joking around and watching a bunch of movies and finishing off the different snacks he brought over.

I'm so sorry!I said I'd get it out but I didn't in time,I wouldn't blame you guys if you were all very pissed at me.But here you go guys,plz don't kill me!

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