Late for chemistry class

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3 weeks later (20 weeks pregnant)

Lorelai grabs her stuff and half-runs to her class. She's late for English class. She arrives at her class and is about to turn to get into the door, when she accidentally runs into someone. Someone she hadn't talked to in a couple of weeks. Someone she didn't want to talk to. Christopher. They stand there in an awkward silence for a while until he finally speaks up. 

"Uh, hey."

"H-hi" she stuttered.

"Umm, I have to talk to you later."




"Seriously, Lorelai."

"Ok, I know."

"Meet me right after lunch, before classes. At the tree."

She nodded and then walked into her class. Her very boring class which she spent thinking about what Christopher would want. She went threw every possibility, making sure she would be ready to everything. She even ended up going as far as to imagining him telling her that he got abducted and they were going to come back for him in seven days so he wanted to say goodbye. She laughed a little at the stupidity of this thought and got called on by the teacher. 

1:10pm (13:10, after lunch that day)

The bell rang and Lorelai walked to the tree that Christopher and Lorelai had first kissed under. When they were 14. Ever since then, they always seemed to go there to hang out, eat lunch, study. Once they even carved their names at the very bottom of the tree to "mark there territory". As she approached the tree , she saw Christopher sitting at the bottom of the tree. When she arrived, he instantly spotted her and stood up the second he saw her, rather abruptly. He seemed at least ten times more nervous then he was earlier that day. What he has to say must be really important. Lorelai thought. 

"Hi, again."


"So how's it going"

"Great" They stopped speaking for a while so Lorelai decided to break the silence this time."How about you?"

"Uh, great, great."

"Great." she said. "Chris?"


"Just cut to the chase."

"Right, uh, well. So, I know you wouldn't have liked this idea a couple of weeks ago but I've given you some time to think. A lot of time, actually. So, I hope that you will consider this before saying no because..."

"Chris" Lorelai could already see where this was going.

"Right, well." That's when he got down on one knee and Lorelai was now sure that she new where this was going and she was not too happy about it. She tensed and tried to brace herself for what was coming. She new it was coming. "Lorelai Victoria Gilmore, we have been through a lot together and I know we will go through a lot more. So, why not do it united. Lorelai, will you marry me?"

She saw it coming, yet, she was stunned. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't answer. All thoughts had left her mind and for a second she didn't know who she was, she didn't know her name, she didn't know anything. It was great. During that second she forgot ll of her problems. Unfortunately, it was gone as quickly as it came. It was gone before she could savor it. 

"Lor? Lorelai?"

"What? Oh, uh. Chris."


"I-I-I'm late for chem class." She then ran. She never stopped. At first, she was headed towards the school, but then decided otherwise. She had no idea where she was going. 

She just ran.

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