Chapter 1: Horrible Day

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Breann's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh! It was my alarm clock. 'Don't worry Breann, maybe today will be better,' I thought to myself.

You see, the last couple of days have been disastrous! I have the election for class president coming up to prepare for, a stack of homework a mile high, I've got to write my graduation speech, AND I have to deal with my ex-best friend Stephanie Stine cyber bullying me.

I rolled out of bed and opened my closet. I grabbed a tye dye crop top with yolo printed on the front in big black letters. I paired it with some white high waisted short-shorts. Then it came down to my shoes. 'Red vans or white vans?" I thought to myself. I decided to be like Daniel and be back at it again with the white vans... I'm such a nerd!

I checked the time and it was already 7:30! I had to hurry. I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. After that, I opened my case that held my contacts. I was about to put one in when it fell off of my finger and went down the drain.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled.

"What is it sweetie?!" I heard my mom yell.

"Oh nothing!" I yelled in response, "you can head on to work if you want, I'll be okay!"

I just heard her yell the words, "Okay Bree, lock the door on your way out," and shut the door behind her.

Thank god! I could not let her know that I dropped my contact. She would kill me. I looked for my glasses and finally found them at the end of my bed. I put them on my face and jogged downstairs to eat breakfast.

I poured a glass of orange juice and made a bowl of cereal. I quickly ate my cereal and chugged down my orange juice as I grabbed my keys to leave. As I went to start the car I heard a loud crack! Oh crap... smoke is coming out of the hood. My car broke down.

You have got to be kidding me!

I just walked to the closest bus stop and waited for a bus to arrive. About 10 minutes later, a bus came.

I took a seat and plopped my book bag down next to me so no one could sit by me. I went to check my Instagram when I saw my book bag move in the corner of my eye and felt breathing on my neck. It was Steven.

"Steven," I mumbled, "Why would you possibly want to interrupt my me time?!"

"Oh girl, you know what I want," he smirked.

I gritted my teeth and snatched my bookbag from his hands. Then, I kicked him off of the seat.

"That's what you get for being the biggest player in school!"

Everyone else on the bus just pointed and laughed like crazy. Honestly, I felt so accomplished but I didn't give a crap because this day had already sucked, who's to say that it won't anymore?

As the bus pulled into the school parking lot, I was the first to get out. The first thing I saw was everyone outside staring at their phones... then at me.

Everyone gave me high fives but I don't know what for.

All of a sudden I felt someone man handle my arm and pull me sideways. It was my best friend, Tiffany.

"I can't believe you!" She shouted, "You finally showed him up!"

"Showed who up?" I asked.

"Like you don't know, it's all over the Internet!" She screamed.

"Slow down," I requested, "What are you even talking about?!"

"You finally told Steven the truth! Someone recorded your little incident on the bus this morning. It's all over the Internet. People love you!"

"Are you serious?!" I asked, "I was just speaking my mind. I guess people really do like me!"

That idea of everyone liking me must have just been in my head though because in 1st hour today, I got a text from Stephanie.

Stephanie😑: Why don't you just do us all a favor and die? Nobody likes you and that little incident on the bus today isn't gonna make you anymore popular.

Me: You know what... I'm not going to because I have a pretty good life already. You may think your little miss perfect and all but you aren't liked by ANYBODY!! Everyone hates you including me. So byeeeee!

User blocked.

Yeah, that's right. I decided to block her. She wasn't making my life any better. Knowing me and my terrible life, I would end up killing myself if she kept this up. So yes, I'm blocking her out of my life.

It was a rough school day but I finally got home to my mom sitting at the kitchen table with her face in her hands. I grabbed an apple and sat down eating it as she looked up to tell me some news.

"Sweetie, look at me," she mumbled, "today, I got a job upgrade."

"Mom that's great!" I boasted.

"No, it's not," she whimpered with a depressed look on her face, "if I take this job upgrade... We will have to move to Omaha, Nebraska."

I was devastated. Sure, I hated my life here anyway but adjusting to a new school... that's tough. I'm DEFINITELY gonna miss my best friend but it should be an easy fix. Sure, I love her but all she seems to talk about is Magcon and how she's just in love with viner Jack Gilinsky and his best friend Jack Johnson. It gets annoying. I don't understand what she sees in them. Or any of Magcon anyway. Who wants to waste their life on guys that they're NEVER. GONNA. MEET.

I had to figure out how to get through this move.

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